Trump Ends Johnson’s Executive Order Which Created Affirmative Action

I 100% was passed over for a job for being Christian, Male, and white.

Hired a 50+ alcoholic woman who claimed to love both Hindu and Buddhist ideals.
She was fired in 11 months for so many screw ups it wasnt funny.
Likely one was drinking at work.

I saw the writing on the wall in regards to the Director at that time and wasnt interested in working for her.

New director, same job. Denied
Same reason.
Yet another blessing….

New director now.
Christian and quite conservative.
This one approached me about working for her in late Dec and as of Sunday, I do full time.
Yep, count me in. In the late 90’s when I was trying to get an airline pilots job I was discriminated against. I had applied at United, but their hiring matrix for a a non-minority required 7000 hours minimum total time and you had to be gaining that time at the rate of 1000 hours per year, which was only possible if you were flying for a regional for $17,000 per year; I was a corporate pilot. If you were a minority, you only needed 800 hours total time period to get an interview. I got this information straight from the head of hiring at United after he called me because I had used my “white privileged”, ie. networking skills, to get the VP of United to recommend me for a pilots position. He told me I was the kind of person he wanted to hire, but his hands were tied by their discriminatory hiring practices.

They did me a favor, I now fly boxes and don’t have to worry about the general public nor the flight attendants; what a blessing! United is still discriminating where ever they can, I have a beard, because I fly for the only major airline in the US that allows one, and United, despite all their woke virtue signaling, won’t let me Jumpseat on them because I have a beard. Now I’m being discriminated against for farcical hair by a woke airline, whose CEO is a drag queen. Yeah, the CEO is a drag queen, but I can’t Jumpseat with a beard. Nuts! What wacky world we live in.

Oh and I’ll add that their pilots have no issues at all jumpseating in my cockpit while I’m flying the plane with a beard; I just can’t ride in their cockpit with a beard while their cleanly shaven faces are flying it.

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Yes my first civil service try was at being a police officer. I know I know but this was 40 years ago before the jack booted thugs era. Anyway during the physical agility there was a girl who came in daisy duke shorts. Couldnt do a sit up a squat( but her ass looked sweet trying) and barely could finish the run. Out of everyone guess who got the job?Yep Daisy Dukes. Anyway I became a sanitation worker and never looked back and was never happier.Also the Department I tried for in my hometown at the time now created the Vulcan Society to help minorities get these jobs. I didnt know Mr Spock was a minority. Loved that dude on the Enterprise.
I got let go from a job for putting something critical about homosexuality back during proposition12 talks years ago (hq was in California)
I got written up for asking a co worker about his citizenship.
I got transfered for telling a lady she had a mustache.
So I bought a business, work for myself and now answer only to my wife, and God.
All my employees are normal. I love Utahs "right to work" state status. You can fire someone if you don't like the way they smell.
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Back in the early eighties I saw an add for the Ft.Worth police academy, I went in to ask and they said don’t bother, I wasn't black or Hispanic. I continued on in construction and as I advanced to Superintendent I had to play the minority quota game on union commercial projects, municipal projects, etc, my entire career. Tribal projects were a real quota game. Some others on here might know.