Accessories Misc. items for sale. Price drop

2 Shot

Full Member
May 5, 2014
Shipped to you, if you need additional pictures or info let me know.
1. Benelli M4 stock, $115 like new - $100 - $90
2. Sirt pistol, 2 lasers green model w/4 mags $220. $200 - $180
5. Larue LT660 Aimpoint T2 mount $110 - $85 - $75
9. LWRCI SMG UMP 45 mags $220 - $ 185 - $175
11. Weaons Armament Research G19 Afterburner slide. without the SRO $675 - $625 - $575 less than a 1000 rounds. I have it on a Lone Wolf G17 lower if your interested I will sale as a complete package.


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FYI, his previous posts state that he is from the Tuscon, AZ area and has a phone number listed just in case someone wants to reach out before buying.
I'm on the hook for the Ace stock.

Update: Item has been shipped. Tracking info received. Thanks Leroy

Item received! Seller is GTG.
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I appreciate you all making sure people aren’t scamming people here. I have sold and bought multiple items here. I had no idea my AI AW was worth more than what I posted it for Or I would have increased the
price. Justin is getting a good deal at my expense not realizing its true value.
i Can be reached on my cell or email if anyone questions on what I am selling.
I moved to Big Lake AK from Tucson AZ in 2021
Leroy Brace
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I PM'd him about the SRO... he responded that it was sold. If it was a scam, he could have sold me "another" SRO.

Just because someone has been inactive for a few years, doesn't make their recent post to be suspicious. I was off this forum for 5 years and decided to get back into the hobby.

As for the deals, maybe he mistakenly put a lower price for the AI or wanted to hook the community up?

Anywho, things happen so let's have this thread go back on track?

**noticed I posted after OP has responded already**