
While I'm totally unopposed to this action it isn't as easy as he makes it out to be. There will be economic impacts initially - increased unemployment and decreased GDP through the buying of goods and services just as everyone is recognizing that there is a recession. Of course, this is only related to expenditures that have US economic impacts. Free money giveaways to foreign countries are for the most part zero impacts to our economy, international relations/politics are a different issue. Both would help the debt for sure.

It is a cure that has short term pain to get to a better long term outcome. I wish they would start socializing that fact to inform and prepare people so that there isn't unnecessary blame being placed on doing the right thing.
While I'm totally unopposed to this action it isn't as easy as he makes it out to be. There will be economic impacts initially - increased unemployment and decreased GDP through the buying of goods and services just as everyone is recognizing that there is a recession. Of course, this is only related to expenditures that have US economic impacts. Free money giveaways to foreign countries are for the most part zero impacts to our economy, international relations/politics are a different issue. Both would help the debt for sure.

It is a cure that has short term pain to get to a better long term outcome. I wish they would start socializing that fact to inform and prepare people so that there isn't unnecessary blame being placed on doing the right thing.
Much like the midterms in 1982 where it was "iffy" if Reagan still had the support of the people. The short term pain, was outweighed by what I'd say was an economic boom until George HW Bush messed it up and even then it was strong enough to pull out of that fairly quickly and finally totally petered out as other Bush got ready to do his damage.
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Seth Rich didn't die on the streets. His condition was actually completely stabilized and he was placed in a non-ICU bed, but somehow didn't make it through the night. He was a Democrat, but he was a true patriot and he saw how Sanders was actually winning primaries over Hillary but it was determined Sanders wouldn't be allowed to win. And that's why he gave the data to Assange and it ended up on WikiLeaks.
those dang canadians!

Isn't this bordering on sedition? Potentially starting at a minimum a riot? Maybe individual race "hit" on people, etc, etc.

Isn't this bordering on sedition? Potentially starting at a minimum a riot? Maybe individual race "hit" on people, etc, etc.

charge him with inciting a riot and impeach and censure him.
Isn't this bordering on sedition? Potentially starting at a minimum a riot? Maybe individual race "hit" on people, etc, etc.

Isn't this bordering on sedition? Potentially starting at a minimum a riot? Maybe individual race "hit" on people, etc, etc.

For those that forget things, the left has been calling for violence for years it's nothing new. Also, ASGH:


I was waiting for "Mr. Patel" to ask ShitForBrains if he was pretending to be a Senator and all about his back deals, lies, conspiracy on the RussiaGate, etc.

No, the response should have been "Even though what you claim is not true, I will do that right after you apologize to the American public for lying every single day about President Trump and him being a russian asset and or Russian collusion. You were on the intelligence comittee and you know that was a lie but you pushed it every single day, in every medium. Apologize right now."

That would have been a mic drop.