
Seth Rich didn't die on the streets. His condition was actually completely stabilized and he was placed in a non-ICU bed, but somehow didn't make it through the night. He was a Democrat, but he was a true patriot and he saw how Sanders was actually winning primaries over Hillary but it was determined Sanders wouldn't be allowed to win. And that's why he gave the data to Assange and it ended up on WikiLeaks.
Don't feel to bad for the Bernie bros. Bernie could have blown the lid off that shit but sold out for $$$ and air-cover for his wife's grifting and shit all over his supporters for doing so...

So I guess you could say if Rich was the source of the wikileaks, he exposed that part of it as well...
Lately when I go to Walmart and Home Depot I'm finding the lines at the checkout a lot shorter and the parking lot is nearly empty on my way out.

I did, however, recently rename the hot spot on my phone to "Policia ICE".
I’ve literally noticed less Hispanics in my AO. Tysons across the street from Walmart 🤔
Got a friend that works for Border Patrol that gave me BP ball cap. Guess I could help the greeter 👋



Here's looking forward to more of the same. In fact, revoke all of the msm's press credentials and broadcast briefings, SOTU, etc. on the Internet exclusively. The msm will be dead in six months. 😍🍻
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