Bix makes a low, medium, and tall upper sear. Swapping the sear on the bix depends on the trigger pin to cocking piece measurement of your action, and the CDG should be right in the center of the acceptable engagement range on the chart with the medium height sear the trigger comes with. This always needs to be checked first because the wrong top sear can result in a draggy trigger and light strikes if there's too much engagement or an unsafe trigger that can drop the striker if there's too little engagement.
Adjusting the trigger hanger in the CDG moves the trigger forwards and backwards to time the handoff of the cocking piece from the cocking ramp on the bolt to the sear on the trigger while closing the bolt. For smoothest bolt operation you want to adjust the hanger so there's zero overcocking or decocking on close. You can do this by measuring the cocking piece to bolt shroud distance with the bolt in the open position vs the bolt in the cocked and closed condition, or just go by feel when closing the bolt.
After those 2 are set properly then you can mess with trigger pull weight, and if you make a drastic adjustment to the pull weight compared to the out of the box setting you should readjust the trigger sear engagement screw per the bix instructions. It's easy to do.