interesting take by a woman

Vivek ran his mouth pushing for more import of foreign workings while bashing Americans. He then refused to back-track on comments like Musk actually did. Bye, don't let the door hit you in the ass. Mark my words, Musk and others still to be determined will prove to be fake and only self-serving if not actually sabotaging.
Vivek is creation of Silicon Valley and its banks. He attended the right schools and made the right connections. After graduation, he was loaned money from a Silicon Valley bank to buy a bad medical patent, had his mother (a MD) do the lowest level of review asserting its efficacy, then he did a pump and dump on his shares. That's how he got his money.

When I think of Vivek, a polished turd comes to mind. He's a packaged product much like Bathhaus Barry was to the demoncraps and like Bathhaus Barry, can't be trusted.
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Most of Trump's cabinet is deepstate. But they say the pledge of allegiance to Orange Man so everyone falls for it.
Or AIPAC controlled. I hope they don't get us into a war with Iran. We have been broke for quite a while now. War with Iran could become global and that's exactly what the globalists want (depopulation & control).
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