The Archimedes is a controlled feed round so the extractor shouldn’t really have a role in trying to get headspace.
You were the one who suggested removing the extractor, not me.
The Archimedes has that camming(?) or spring loaded bolt ‘arm’(?) knob, so I’m not sure on the ‘feel’ aspect?
As I understand it (don't have one in hand, personally) the feature you're referring to only really comes into play when opening the bolt and needing primary extraction ie if a case is sticking in the chamber. *Usually* that's more a function of radial case expansion, like at the case web / 0.200" line, than the shoulder (headspace), so it shouldn't get involved in what we're doing here. But the cocking piece and firing pin spring do, so like I said, remove them for the testing / fitting process.
Wouldn’t getting any kind of drag on the GO gauge be sign of a tight chamber.
Yes... and no. You said you're using a variable headspace barrel, where *you* control the headspace. If you can't close the bolt on the GO gauge, then yes, it's too tight. If you can, it's fine. I was suggesting starting with a bit of drag / interference fit, which would be relieved as one tightens the barrel nut, like I described. If you don't have a nut, then that may not apply. Also like I mentioned above.
Am I right that having the no-go gauge not close at all is a sign of a tight chamber?
Re-read that again, and ask yourself if that makes *any* sense
It takes a round with the same effort as the GO gauge. This is my first ‘engineered’ and tricked out action, so ‘feel’ is a vague term for me.
If it closes on a go gauge, closes on the loaded rounds okay, and ***DOES NOT*** close on the no-go gauges, then it's fine. Or at least 'safe'. Most people 'aim' for the tighter end of the range between 'go' and 'no-go', probably out of habit. If it's the only gun you have in that caliber, then it really doesn't matter.
Honestly, it sounds like you need to find someone local to you to walk you through the process in person at least once. You've got a new-to-you action that is just a little bit different than normal, and you've got a barrel install method (bar-loc) that is just a little bit different from what most people use. And it's apparently your first time messing with any of this.