Maggie’s Who knows how I can get appointed to Trump’s review board for flag grade officers?

Put 20 million in escrow earmarked for political contributions. Offer to apportion it according to President Trump's wishes. It would have been cheaper had you done it before the election.
I’ve seen flag officers with a view as E-1 to E-5 and O-1 to O6(p) over 42 years, and my wife is a Senior NCO.

I’ve got a pretty good idea of what they should be doing and not doing.

Someone on another site suggested the boards should be all Senior NCOs. While I agree that SNCOs usually bear the burden of bad general officer decisions, there’s significant differences in the roles of command officers and Sergeants Major, Air Force CMSGTs, or Master Chiefs.

It’s not slash and burn mission. Its about being there to see it’s done right.

In my view, only one question splits the “nope” from the “maybe, let’s ask more questions.”

“General/Admiral, what is the highest duty of commissioned officer in the US military?”

Any answer other than “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” goes in the nope pile.

Next question

“Who are the backbone of the US fighting forces?”

Any answer other than “Noncommissioned Officers or Petty Officers” goes in the nope pile as well.

I just want to be there to ask those two questions.
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Hey sir, I'm not sure if you've been paying attention, but the current backbone of the world's fighting forces is a group of 16 year old incels with a stockpile of hot pockets and mountain dew, hooked to a murder drone. He probably won't get to marry a stripper, or buy a v6 mustang. He won't get in trouble for shoplifting at the px either.
Well, there is that.

Hey sir, I'm not sure if you've been paying attention, but the current backbone of the world's fighting forces is a group of 16 year old incels with a stockpile of hot pockets and mountain dew, hooked to a murder drone. He probably won't get to marry a stripper, or buy a v6 mustang. He won't get in trouble for shoplifting at the px either.
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The US military could eliminate 90% of its officers and it will become twice as effective and lethal overnight.
Canada too, although to be fair, the officers that offer real leadership and vision are mercilessly attacked and mistreated until they break and follow the pack or leave the service. Only when desperation takes hold does the org actually let the solid capable officers off their politically correct leash.
It's notable that we won WWII with what, ten four star officers?

It's not command of troops that drives flag grade ranks anymore, I think it's command of $$$, as in how much is spent in your area.

If your point is rank and leadership ability, or inherent smarts, are different things, I agree. I disagree with 90%. When I was enlisted I thought all officers we useless. Having spent 32 years as one, I'd say its closer to 25% - 40% slackers who make the rest look useless.

Years ago there was a study on what roles are inherently military, and what are government. When we cut "government" spending, with commensurate cuts in rank, all military strength should be evaluated in relationship to lethality, and increasing lethality.

The US military used to be a leadership laboratory, where grit, determination, smarts and mentorship were valued and promoted.

We need to get back to that, IMHO.

The US military could eliminate 90% of its officers and it will become twice as effective and lethal overnight.
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Serious question.

I’m a retired sr officer with strong opinions on what makes a good General Officer.


Someone who can effectively utilize HIS capabilities to close with and destroy the enemy while preserving the maximum amount of combat power.

Historical examples for the ground domain would be Patton, air domain would be LeMay.
What would you ask this distinguished looking flag officer?

Wait, wait wait....

Since when was the Air Force considered part of the military?

3 month deployments playing video games on high speed internet in the air conditioning, a hundred miles from anyone who wishes you harm?

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Wait, wait wait....

Since when was the Air Force considered part of the military?

3 month deployments playing video games on high speed internet in the air conditioning, a hundred miles from anyone who wishes you harm?

Probably when Gen LeMay turned SAC into a weapon capable of slaying a nation.
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Imo a great leader is an enabler. Their job is to provide their subordinates with the resources and Guidance to accomplish their mission. A good leader is more of a servant to his people than a dictator. Biggest thing is just knowing when to get the fuck out of the way and let the boys cook. They should be looked at as a mentor, someone you can talk to and be honest and vulnerable with. Their goal should be their subordinates success, not theirs. Servant leadership requires you to leave your ego at the door. The very best leaders exhibit these qualities. 99% of leaders do not including the retards OCS and West point kick out every year.
Wait, wait wait....

Since when was the Air Force considered part of the military?

3 month deployments playing video games on high speed internet in the air conditioning, a hundred miles from anyone who wishes you harm?


Your misunderstanding comes in the form of how USAF enlisted send their officers off to war...

Being intelligent has its benefits.

BTW, my last deployment before retiring was much, much further than 100 miles away from danger.
It was Diego Garcia.
I'm gonna tell you, while our zeros were off playing war, the dangers we faced were sunburn, giant clams and even sharp fish hooks.
Are there not separate boards for each grade (i.e. O-6 board, O-4 board, etc. etc.) ususaly composed of officers of the same grade? Who better than a "jury of one's peers" to decide...

He explained it pretty simply above.
The self-absorbed promote THEIR peers.
Meaning, if you aren't a self-absorbed, fuck everyone else over kind of guy, you get passed over.

Technical competency, successful mentoring, attention to details without becoming bogged down in minutia. Mission focus and a drive for excellence.

Team success vs. individual recognition. I've had the pleasure of serving under and with outstanding examples of NCOs and SNCOs who were individually accomplished, and who helped everyone they touched succeed to the top of their ability. Those traits are necessary in a GO, as well.

Many notable First Sergeants who grew me up from a no striper, to on the BG list. It 100% accurate that I learned more from my 1st Sgt than he did from me. He was my "regular" first shirt and deployed with me as well.

The great GOs I worked with had the qualities of a great SNCO + strategic thinking.

I'm not the smartest person I know, not really on my own top 500 list. Most of the great NCO/SNCO/GO leaders I've worked with are solutions oriented, and team focused. All of them are on my smartest people I've know list.
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I’m a retired sr officer with strong opinions... wife is a Senior NCO.

Hahahahaha.... I'll bet you do ya ol' HOWWWND DAWWWWG!!!

Since you asked a serious question, here is a clarifying question back to you:

How much money have you raised?

The DepSecDef was able to drum up $50K a plate to the tune of ~$1.5M.

It sounds like you should just start a newsletter, but if you really are serious about it, and starting from nowhere, then the best way to get in touch is to make a viral video and tag Hegseth.

I'm not kidding.

Just be advised that in order to be the X-title in Y-position of Z-agency/bureau/org you must be the absolute least qualified person on earth to fill that role.
You ever work for LTG McInerney?
I worked with him as the ALCOM commander when I was a Captain at Eielson. Met him a few times via briefing him on projects.

I've met him a couple times since.

I also know Jim Mattis, mostly through his older brother Tom. But, I suspect Mattis is not on board with this idea based on his neocon leanings, and doesn't have POTUS' ear on anything based on their breakup during Trump '45.
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I worked with him as the ALCOM commander when I was a Captain at Eielson. Met him a few times via briefing him on projects.

I've met him a couple times since.

I also know Jim Mattis, mostly through his older brother Tom. But, I suspect Mattis is not on board with this idea based on his neocon leanings, and doesn't have POTUS' ear on anything based on their breakup during Trump '45.
That’s cool. I’ve heard him on a few different interviews. I’m always interested in commentary from retired GOs. Especially in the Air & Maritime domains.

Didn’t he plan the Air Campaign against Libya back in the 80’s?

Mattis? One of my peers got an ACOM from him when he was the CENTCOM CDR.
I’ve seen flag officers with a view as E-1 to E-5 and O-1 to O6(p) over 42 years, and my wife is a Senior NCO.

I’ve got a pretty good idea of what they should be doing and not doing.

Someone on another site suggested the boards should be all Senior NCOs. While I agree that SNCOs usually bear the burden of bad general officer decisions, there’s significant differences in the roles of command officers and Sergeants Major, Air Force CMSGTs, or Master Chiefs.

It’s not slash and burn mission. Its about being there to see it’s done right.

In my view, only one question splits the “nope” from the “maybe, let’s ask more questions.”

“General/Admiral, what is the highest duty of commissioned officer in the US military?”

Any answer other than “Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” goes in the nope pile.

Next question

“Who are the backbone of the US fighting forces?”

Any answer other than “Noncommissioned Officers or Petty Officers” goes in the nope pile as well.

I just want to be there to ask those two questions.

All officers are standing on the backs of the simple enlisted. Who actually does the work?

You need 1 guy with the idea and direction, but 50 people under him are actually accomplishing the physical labor of getting shit done.

I went to work as a contractor at a base 10 years after my Dad retired as a Major. Guys from his unit recognized my name and still remembered him. Got to hear a lot of stories about the only officer that not only did his job, but would jump in and get dirty teaching them and trying to instill ethics and knowledge into every enlisted man under him.

He really hated being an officer, he just wanted to be a grunt 🤣
The problem is that those guys can't make it past 03. If you aren't concerned only with your own success and self promotion, the uppers believe that you lack ambition, so they get boarded 3 times and sent home. Nothing is more political than promotions above 04, nothing on earth.
Virtually all of the excellent officers never make it past 03. Either they are run out for looking out for the boys first or they see the game for what it is and want nothing to do with the rat race. Very few of the good ones re-up after their MSO. The ones that stay generally are not the ones you want leading nor rising the ranks. Narcissistic carreriests end up in charge.