Delta 14 - AR15 take down pins?


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Apr 28, 2020
Howdy boys and girls!

I was flipping through the December? issue of my American Rifleman magazine and saw Delta 14's AR take down pins, here: Delta 14 take down pins


The concept behind the idea is very intriguing; Pinching the upper and lower receivers together to remove any battle rattle for better shot-shot precision. I'm looking for some Snipers Hide street intel from my fellow patriots that have them and to share your results.

Do they help tighten up your groups any? Is it a significant enough improvement to wait the 6-10 weeks for delivery? I have 2 ARs, one traditional Service rifle, the other, a Match rifle and.....Well, I love putting my shooting coat on, slinging up and see how well I score. Would these help?

Cheers! 😁 🤙
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Don’t waste your money, any company that is telling you that taking the slack out of the receivers improves accuracy is selling you bullshit. It might make you feel better about the rifle when it’s solid and doesn’t rattle but that’s as far as it goes. It’s hardly the first product to help tighten up a receiver set though, AccuWedges and JP Enterprises pins come to mind. Many lowers come with an additional screw now that puts tension on the bottom of the upper to take slack out.
Don’t waste your money, any company that is telling you that taking the slack out of the receivers improves accuracy is selling you bullshit. It might make you feel better about the rifle when it’s solid and doesn’t rattle but that’s as far as it goes. It’s hardly the first product to help tighten up a receiver set though, AccuWedges and JP Enterprises pins come to mind. Many lowers come with an additional screw now that puts tension on the bottom of the upper to take slack out.

That's kinda what it seemed like. Interesting idea, but my BS meter was pinging and wanted to ask here first. Thank you much!