Well, reps might just have other incentives to go along with trumps agenda now that the web of tangled $$$ is starting to be pulled straight and the major players come into focus. And its really just getting started.They are more of a danger than we give them credit for. My gut, which could be wrong, says a high number of republicans in office right now are just going along with the Trump blitz because that’s where the momentum is and they think if they don’t, they will get crushed by the wave. In reality, they have all figured out how to personally profit from all the treasonous theft like USAid and many other programs and would continue doing it until the USA totally collapses financially under the weight, if they could get away with it. For now they can’t. But just wait.
Who knows what the deep states next play is? But for sure, they need to recognize, but won’t, that the majority of people are against them. Trump even won the popular vote. Hello!!! People are fed up with being stolen from and ruled over by idiots.
So lets see how loud the reps get over the next few weeks as more $$$ targets come into focus. I am not sure people understand the gross amounts of $$$ that are being thrown around here. Trillions of bucks over decades. Most people cannot internalize how big a number a trillion really is. It's unfathomable for most people to even remotely conceptualize...
The reps also have no leg to stand on with their voter base to resist the agenda and to "fight" the absurdity.
The dems have no choice but to double down, its literally the only card they have to play.