Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)

That may not be a good choice for McDonald’s. No telling how many thousands of uncooked burger patties will wind up in private homes and local gas stations.
Don't know wut you're you talking 'bout.
Off the top of my head, this company does amazing outreach work with either disabled or second chance felon employees. Pretty sure former .gov wouldn’t qualify.
Was referring to "No telling how many thousands of uncooked burger patties will wind up in private homes and local gas stations." You know, gov. employees' habit of re-allocating gov. resources for home use.
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I love the different stuff. Tri 5's, 69 camaro, mustangs.......I like them but the car shows are stacked with them. It's like none of them ever got crushed.
This motor is going into a 66 Olds Jet Star. It was only manufactured for 3 years so it's been fun finding the bits and pieces. Converting to disc brakes was an adventure but the satisfaction when done is worth it.
The resting place for the beast.
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I know it's an old post, but 30 years ago, I foolishly passed on one very similar with a 425. Could have had it for $1000. Would have made a nice ride. Looked like this one.

I know it's an old post, but 30 years ago, I foolishly passed on one very similar with a 425. Could have had it for $1000. Would have made a nice ride. Looked like this one.

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Take my word for it. You are lucky you passed on it, if it was a Jetstar. I would have scrapped the car years ago if it wasn't the car my wife wanted me to do for her. The Jetstar was only made for 3 years. 64 & 65 were pretty much identical and they redesigned it for 66. The redesign drove up the cost too close to the next model and they didn't sell because people opted for the next higher end model. So Oldsmobile discontinued the Jetstar. Finding parts is a royal PITA. I could write a book on what it takes to convert to front disc brakes on one. Probably the hardest project car I have ever done.
I put 11 tons of road base (ABC) on the upper (steep) part of my driveway yesterday/Tuesday….in the rain. I have been trying to catch a couple of hours to at least get the dump truck to the quarry and loaded for 2 weeks. They are not open on Saturday. I got my chance yesterday but of course we just had a snow storm Monday night and freezing rain Tuesday.

So I was just over a mystery bug, never tested but probably C19 again. It and flu A and B are running like mad through the area. So I got very chilled and somewhat wet yesterday and this morning I am coughing and have a sore throat 😓
