Got my Gideon in today. Here are some data points on them since it’s a hunting stock..
Stock w/ short arca rail (no bottom metal) 40.8 oz
Stock w/ 10” arca rail (no bottom metal) 41.5 oz
Stock only (no rail or bottom metal) 38.1 oz
Stock w/ 10” rail and Hawkins M5 BM 46.0 oz
LOP with curved trigger 13”
My only gripe so far is the length of the arca rail. Lots of wasted space and the rail could have a smidge longer. The forend is about 12” long in length and the 2” in front of the mag could have been utilized. As an example clamping into a tripod and also having more flat surface for bags instead of a step. But I’m sure Foundation had a reason for making the rail short. The bolt handle notch could have also been aligned better as well. Again just gripes and nothing to do with function.
Also for having a non adjustable cheek, 1” height rings works for me. The scope seems centered up when I’m behind the rifle. My stock is inletted for a 737.
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