I don’t think Wade would do that to a customer. Just knowing what he’s done for me personally. Impact takes care of its people, from my experience at least. I would say their reputation is pretty golden.
I agree with one of the other posters, I’d give it a go before the hassle of sending it back for an easy fix. But if OP is hesitant; then send it back.
Edit: is this a brand new action? Or a PX buy?
I don't know any of those in charge of this company. Don't need to.
But most reputable companies on new items would rather look at it themselves and see what the problem is, or take it to one of their representative gunsmiths to check it out.
I do not know any major company that would suggest a customer do any work on his rifle. That always voids warranties.
What if the part is bent, broken, or the wrong part installed, and ya need a new part. Won't be fixing that yourself for the average guy.
People send rifles back for a lot less reasons to have them checked out by the manufacturer.
Don't feed out of the magazine, not accurate even with the premium ammunition suggested, it's a 2 moa rifle. Things like that.
Call the manufacturer they should be happy to take care of your problem with their product especially if its new out of the box and never fired.
Just give em a call...not too hard.
See what they, want you to do.
But it's your problem not mine, don't care how ya handle it...just a logical suggestion.
If it's a reputable company they'll have ya send it in, because their reputation is on the line, when something obvious like this is wrong with a new gun, it gives them a chance to correct a mistake.