Right now there are a multitude of bills in the pipeline. The Democrats, sensing a change in the country, are going scorched earth, not unlike Biden (and his handlers) in their last hurrah. Here's a link to a local gun rights group that identifies the bills and gives context and status of each. Most are dubious, at best, with respect to both the US and Colorado Constitution. As Doc alludes, should many of these actually make it into law, together they would create an environment where the lawful possession and use of firearms in the state would essentially be "just to tough to do".
As well as the representatives, I have contacted FOX and Newsmax asking them to look at this link. Maybe, in light of Bondi tramping the ATF counsel, a court finding some states' FOID law unconstitutional, Trumps 2A Executive order and Kash looking into how the FBI has been run, this, as a story of Democrat overreach, might get some traction. There's a couple more to contact but the day is young. Contact info is on their website.
We vote hard to keep our rights and freedoms but the public narrative is controlled by Denver Democrat messaging and media control. As abn mentions the halls are closed to the press. Youtube does have a constant feed for those that have the time to live for this.
Silent asked the most pertinent question, ".....how do we solve this issue?". I don't have that answer. I'm just an old, fat, bald guy that likes guns. I dug enough holes to finally get to Colorado, build a nice spot and retire, almost perfect then. Now I don't know if I have another move in me so my path will be to continue to call and email. There is a way to Zoom testify I'm looking into. I try to get news people outside the state to look at what's going on to spread the word. As in 2013 there are actually some recall efforts in the works, but although three were recalled those laws are still valid.
Colorado is a destination state for many people. I believe those people learning what the Democrats are trying to do might affect their decision to visit and spend money. It will take nonslanted, out of state news to inform them. Money will sway Denver Democrats more than votes.
I would ask the members reading this to call and write. Let "them" know you're considering visiting a different state and tell them why. Contact the non MSM news agencies and ask them to report on the gun control push in Colorado, include the RGMO link or another with the same information. Try to generate interest. Bring it up in conversations with friends.
Got long winded again. Sorry. I'll stop now.
Thank you,