Which AR15 to keep?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Jun 23, 2022
I am finally going to get into night vision so thinking the heard a little bit to clear some funds. I have an LMT that will stay in the stable and also have a Geissele URGI, DD RIS III 14.5 and a BCM MCMR 14.5 looking to get rid of two of them and only keep one. Which one would y’all keep out of those three?
I am finally going to get into night vision so thinking the heard a little bit to clear some funds. I have an LMT that will stay in the stable and also have a Geissele URGI, DD RIS III 14.5 and a BCM MCMR 14.5 looking to get rid of two of them and only keep one. Which one would y’all keep out of those three?
I would keep the URG-I, they are crazy accurate and reliable, the DD and BCM are both a step down imo (not a big step).
"Thinning the herd...."

If Bill and Marty were hanging off a cliff, which one would you rescue?
Is calling in an air strike on the cliff an option? Honestly, I don’t have much use for either of them.

But if it were me, I’d look to sell the rifles that are the easiest to reacquire; if the desire arose. But, as dbd said, that’s too few rifles to be thinning. Just stack them more efficiently in the safe.

I keep hoping to reach the threshold of AR’s where they go crazy and eat each other in the safe. Hadn’t happened yet but I’m going to try to remain optimistic. I need the room.
That’s not how it works. ARs multiply in dark spaces. At least that I what I tell my wife.

“Where’d that rifle come from?”
“I don’t know. I think they’re breeding in there.”
I kind of agree. Are they all 556? Any interest in swapping calibers on one of the ones you aren’t in love with? I get wanting a 556, but there are calibers that are far more capable now. I consider myself a minimalist and I’ve got 4 ARs. I’ll likely build a fifth before long.
Do you have other systems?
I'd keep the URGI. If that were a m4a1 with ris 2... If keep that.

I agree with you about downsizing no need for a stable of rifles that don't get shot. I really only shoot 3 of my ARs... Why have a few that sit around and don't do anything? If you are a collector and these are iconic ars that's one thing, but a BCM and DD ris 3 are not that.
Never sell an accurate rifle….
No kidding. Years back I had a Winchester Featherweight, 270 WSM. 400yds printed 1.5" 5 shot group. 100yds I actually put 5 rounds into same spot and drilled a whole through the AR500 steel plate. I was pretty upset when I didn't hear the plate ring on the last shot. I thought something funky happened and I missed the entire plate. Well, upon inspection of the hole I drilled, that last round went through the hole. I got poor back then and had to sell. Probably for the best since that round is obsolete now. Yeah, I know, "cool story, bro" LOL