Coleman’s Creek


Jan 19, 2025
Rock Hill, SC
I just signed up for the Coleman’s Creek PRS match March 1st. What all can you guys tell me about the facility and the area. I have a hotel in Rockingham already. Any help on what to expect stage wise, typical conditions, etc is well received.
JohnB go to the website and watch the Facility videos. They'll give you a good idea of the terrain features. The range is on almost a 1000 acres of rolling, hilly , pine tree wooded terrain. Most of your positions will be shooting down on your targets at a very slight angle the steepest around 5 degrees. Expect wind from 5 to 15+ almost always. Rarely a still calm day at Colemans. There's two 100 yard zero ranges that can accommodate about 10 to 15 shooters at a time. the facility video only shows one 100 yard range. If you dont have the Windy app download it and check wind direction. I always find it to be fairly accurate for the range. The match will be shot on the opposite side of the road from range 4 and 5, then range 5, 6, 7 and 8. 6,7 and 8 are at the highest elevation on the range where you will see more wind. The first couple stage across from range 4 and 5 will be targets out to about 400 to 440 or so. Range 5 will have targets in the 400 to 740 range. Range 6 more than likely will be 500 to 875 or so , range 7 will be likely 400 ish to 1260, range 8 400+ to 700 or so. Range 8 does go out to 900 so who knows. There are a bunch of targets beyond 1000 on rage 6 so again who knows what Dan might have planned. Hope that helps, check out the short videos and take a look at the satellite view on Google maps it will give you a good idea of what the terrain is like and what to expect. I've been a member for 3 years so I know the place fairly well. You won't be disappointed with the match I'm sure. Good shootin
When I've shot matches at CC, ranges 5-8 were used, sometimes just 6-8 (relatively close proximity). A few observations:
  • Expect at least a couple of stages to be run at each range.
  • Plan to drive between ranges. If you normally have a lot of crap like I do, try to optimize loading/unloading to avoid unnecessary delay. The only time I've seen people walk between ranges during competition is when rucking was required.
  • The range road is long (two miles from clubhouse to range 8), has some very steep inclines, and, in dry weather, is talcum-powder dusty. It's less than 300 yards between ranges 6 and 8, but terrain is steep.
  • Bring water and snacks. A couple of the matches I've attended included lunch, but those were the exception.
  • If you're an experienced match shooter, you probably have a spotting scope or binoculars. You'll need them. Targets are often in or near brushy growth and terrain features, and can become very difficult to see after the white paint gets shot up.
  • Be especially sure to note "landmarks" around every target so you can locate them quickly in your scope when the timer starts. I've seen competitors far better than me "get lost" searching for laterally-dispersed targets out in the clutter.
Hope this helps. Enjoy.
The Holiday Restaurant , La Cabana . and the Italian place across the street from the Tasty Freeze , for grub . Can’t say enough about those 3 , they were the everyday ; while there for 2months a couple years ago . Why ; Coleman’s Creek , it’s a great place to be