Mountain Tactical Arca Rail & Harris Bipod Attachment


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Jul 13, 2014
Can a standard swivel mount Harris bipod be mounted to the Mountain Tactical arca rail via a standard swivel stud, I see the rail does have a threaded hole on the front end for a swivel stud, the main reason I want the rail is to "stiffen" the forend more the rifle is used for benchrest only. TIA.
Width of the arca rail may cause interference with the spring anchors on the back of the bipod. It either won't tighten up all the way to where the mount sits flush with the arca or, if it does tighten up, you may not be able to swivel the legs.
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If you want to stay with a Harris bipod, your best (by far) solution is to purchase an ARCA adapter - and the top of that heap (if not the only thing on the heap) is the RRS set.

RRS used to sell a one-piece Harris adapter (photo), but now you have to buy two separate pieces (link above) - which are expensive. LONG TERM, if you do much shooting at all, buy a better bipod with an ARCA clamp.

The standard sling-stud Harris mount is just too weak for "serious" work... I've assisted many new shooters whose Harris bipods were literally flopping around hanging from the stud; they had no idea that such "play" made correct support of the rifle impossible.
Where does it have "play"
Additionally - I should have mentioned this earlier - the knurled tensioning knob (on Harris units that have cant) pretty much needs to be twisted with pliers to really adjust. That needs to be replaced with a KMW Pod-Loc, available through many vendors.

A Harris can be a perfectly adequate bipod for many applications with the aforementioned upgrades, especially for simply shooting from a bench. OP, just keep in mind that many people here are competing in matches where 20+ pound rifles get whanged down hard on different props; the majority are spending $300-400 on bipods and some spend over double that.
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