So, I was thinking about the potential audit of the gold at Fort Knox. What happens if it is missing, or at least a large portion is missing? Obviously, we would have a financial crash initially, but what else?
It's there, and the USA doesn't own it. The Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank) now owns all the gold.
If people are interested in this they need to go back and look at some things that are all related. The number of connections of people and groups is astonishing.
- 1873 Coinage Act - removes US from a bi metal standard (even though this had already been done in Great Britain and the disastrous effects on the common person were well known)
- November 1910 - secret meeting on Jekyll Island to discuss creating the FED
- April 1912 - "Titanic" sinking
December 23rd, 1913 - vote to create the Federal Reserve
- 1919 Treaty of Versailles (who is Henry Morgenthau - what was his plan?)
- 1933 Emergency Banking Act / Ex Order 6102 - confiscation of privately held gold in US
- 1944 Bretton Woods (architects of the plan were Harry Dexter White (spy / how is he connected to Morgenthau?) and John M Keynes - British / Modern Monetary Theory draws heavily from his ideas - he is still with us.
- US Gold Reserves in 1949 were approx 23k metric tons (today they are 8.1k)
- Underwriting the money supply with Gold at 25% coverage ratio (in practice it was closer to 50%) - what event actually shut down the gold window under Nixon? How did currency arbitrage play into this? Did foreign central banks collude?
- 1974 death of Louise Auchincloss Boyer - 30 yr exec assistant to Nelson P Rockefeller, fell out of her 10th floor window.....allegedly was the source for a story regarding the looting of FT Knox by International speculators and American Bankers w/ the blessing of the Treasury.
- 1981 Regan Gold Commission
- 1981 Regan shot
- 1981 Art Laffer / Trickle Down Economics / American Recovery Tax Act - the real start point on the road to explosive debt
Remember - every currency crash has always looked the same, slowly it builds until a tipping point has been reached - then suddenly - all at once.