Accessories Unertl/Lyman Scope boxes, mounting bases etc.


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  • Sep 16, 2009
    WTS vintage Unertl/Lyman type scope wooden boxes. Have 6-8 of them. Will post photos tonight.
    100 each shipped.
    I also am listing the target blocks used to mount the older scopes. I have several hundred. Many sizes, various hole spacing etc. Prices 25 and up. I don't have a list, just a big box of bases. I will need to sort through to find what you need.


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    Reactions: apache64pilot
    Photo of scope boxes.
    Any chance you might have an objective lens cover for a unertl 8x?
    11/28 --- Thank you for the quick reply to my inquiry --- standing by for further info.... thank you!!!
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    I have the bases for redfield type sights that fit Winchester 70 and 52. Have a few sights. Not sure if Palma, international or Olympic. Let me know specific wants.
    Do you have an 8X Unertl scope lying around? I am also pondering a Lyman Target spot for an older 22 match rifle. PM me with info if you have a 20X or 25X in a nice box. They have a 100 yd rimfire benchrest match at my local gun club in the summer on Saturdays for guys to dust off their old 22 match rifles and it looks like it might be fun.