As others have said, there are a few ranges in the area. With the loss of Elite, the availability is limited.
TL/DR - We are open weekends. Matches are announced on the calendar 3+ months in advance due to required base coordination. Recreational fire ranges are
ONLY placed on the calendar the Thursday night prior to a weekend due to the base deconflicting 39 ranges across 52,000 acres. Go to the website, there's enough there to hurt your head.
Quantico Shooting Club
Years ago I was part of a newly elected board with the mission to rehabilitate the reputation of the club and kick the clowns out of the treehouse. The club had migrated to a good old boys club and even then they were F'ing it up. We've been on a steady path to increase the value the QSC brings to the community while meeting our mission of supporting recreational shooting for Marines and their families. We have grown from 300 members to over 1200. Membership is open to
all categories of candidates, including those with no military affiliation.
We are a non-federal entity operating aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico and that does require a candidate complete a member package and pay a fee that is based on rank or status. Our most expensive annual membership is $190. The club sponsors members (who need base access) for a DBIDS card that grants weekend range access.
Not all ranges are open every weekend as we have to follow all MCBQ rules regarding OIC/RSOs and we are very safety focused, despite having upwards of 60 people on the rec fire line at any given time (not an issue as these ranges and expansive). Our Board and RSOs are all volunteers and we need three volunteer RSOs to open a range. We have a paid EMT on site every time we open a range and base paramedics across the street.
The Marines
ONLY tell us which ranges are available on Sunday night for the upcoming weekend. Range control has to deconflict 39 different ranges across 52,000 acres to ensure if we're shooting a 1,000yds on R4, the impact area in R12 behind us is clear. Rinse and repeat for all 39 ranges. We put availability out to our RSOs and once we get volunteers, we put the ranges on the calendar for the weekend. So, if you read this now at 1600hrs EST on a Thursday, you still won't see the two Range 1 Recreational Fires we will have this weekend (Saturday and Sunday) until posted later tonight. I know, but it's their system. Matches are different as we submit those to base leadership for approval upwards of 6 months in advance; that's why the calendar shows them so far in advance vs no rec fires.
Members can bring guests for $10 a day, so if you know someone and want to give us a test drive, just have them bring you out.
We do shoot matches almost every weekend. Those match fees fund the $70,000 in must pays we have just to keep the lights on and the majority of our $125K annual operating budget. They also (obviously) help subsidize dues costs to keep them as low as possible. Moat all our matches are on PractiScore.
The ranges are all outdoors and are pretty large:
Range 1 - 21 position covered shoot house out to 300m. This is a rec fire range for rifle, pistol, shotgun and black powder. Calibers up to 50BMG.
Range 2 &3 are 600 yard structure fire ranges mostly used by the rifle teams and members practicing for Camp Perry.
Range 4 - 1,000yds. These long-range precision guys shoot every Sunday the range is available. Cleared for 50BMG and 338LM.
Small Arms Training - 4-35yd bays for USPSA, Steel Challenge, PCSL, and 2&3 Gun.
Ironman - 450yd with steel out to 700yds. This is a rec fire range and used for PRS and 2&3 gun. Cleared for 50BMG and 338LM.
Shotgun - 2 active skeet fields and 1 American Trap field. The international trap bunker is down and needs a new computer ($5K) which we will need to budget for to replace. We plan on adding international skeet on field 3 as soon as possible.
Ask a relevant question if needed, but read the website, it's all there.
I'm also a member of my local Izaak Walton so I can do some load development on weekdays to then shoot at QSC on weekends.
Range 1
Range 4
You never know what will show up at the QSC