Demorat commies live in a weird delusional state. Hard to understand if you don't understand propaganda and sophisticated psychological brainwashing/messaging. And since so many of the left are really NOT bright they will do anything to align themselves with the "educated class" in order to feel like they are. They are generally unable to think critically and independently of "the current thing" messaging. Most of the leftist women have a strong outgroup preference due to their inability to question the prevailing virtue posturing social messages and their own psychotic self destructive knee-jerk empathy for ANY minority outgroup.
I say fuck them.
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...propaganda and sophisticated psychological brainwashing/messaging...
This is the part that baffles me for people my age, or older. I understand things are much different now, and most educational institutions are comprised of a much larger percentage of "educators" that are full-on indoctrinators, rather than educators. But I'll use myself as an example...
I mostly grew up in Oregon (since 1980/5th grade elementary). When I was in high school, I remember one government teacher (taught a variety of subjects across grade levels, so had him repeatedly throughout high school) was a raving lib' and one of my good friends was the complete opposite...a hardcore conservative. Those two used to argue incessantly in class, disagreeing on just about everything. However, every time grades rolled around, my buddy got straight A grades from that guy; presumably because he respected the fact my friend had relevant facts at the basis of his arguments and they simply disagreed how those facts should be applied for their respective policy opinions.
I also attended Portland State University (yeah, THAT Portland), in the late 80s, early 90s (undergrad in Accounting, minor in Computer Science). Part of the degree requirements were to gain credits in "General Education" outside degree of study, and one class in particular I chose to fulfill this requirement was, "Women in the Economy." The prof' for this class was another raving lib'/hippie-type. I remember her discussing the "wage gap" argument about women getting lower pay for equivalent jobs and she argued that the knee-jerk conclusion, "women make less 'cause misogyny/discrimination" was false. She provided readings/studies to demonstrate that many women self-select out of the traditional work force (usually due to motherhood), thus they spend less time and gain less experience than their male counterparts, so it makes sense they might not receive as many pay increases over their career, because they dipped out for a few years while raising children. She also added that they technically still contribute an economic boon to the household, though "unpaid" because they are providing childcare service that if they don't provide, is paid to a 3rd party if the woman was working a traditional job when the children needed daytime care from another source.
I guess I look back at my education through high school and college, with the instruction I received, and it seems that the indoctrination levels seemed much lower for how could others going through a similar environment be so brainwashed? But I do know it exists, because I see it...
During my 30s, I was a locally competitive runner (usually top 10 in local finishes were 4th in Newport Marathon, 6th in Eugene Half Marathon, 3rd in a hometown 5k). During this time, I was a member of a running club, which demographically was over-represented by lawyers and Intel employees, with a handful of Nike employees too. So at least for the lawyers/Intel techy-types, some degree of brain matter. Most of my friends outside of this group, were guys I used to fish steelhead with. Oddly, about 1/2 the lawyers I thought were "smart", the rest were imbeciles, and on average, my "redneck" fishing buddies were smarter than the Intel types, and all the Nike employees I knew were imbeciles.
But anyway, the running club people like to post on Facebook, and during the Nick Sandmann debacle, I remember one of my lawyer acquaintances arguing with a bunch of the other running club dolts that Sandmann literally did nothing wrong and it was like watching a text version of Spinal Tap, "...but this one goes to eleven." The lawyer friend would provide full, unedited video links showing the "native" shirking the entire open space to him, push through the crowd, to finally confront Nick face-to-face and beat his drum. Yet despite my lawyer friend showing clearly Nick did not do anything other than suddenly find this dude creeping up to him, all the others kept repeating/insisting over and over, that he was blocking him, should have moved, was a racists...and all of the people arguing this were my age, or older.
Long post to simply say I just don't get how this brain rot became so prevalent when it seemed that despite the inevitable, occasional indoctrination in our education of the past, it seemed relatively balanced enough and easy enough to not fall victim, given my own personal experience. I mean hell, if I can be in a Women in the Economy class at Portland State, and the prof is explicitly telling us, and providing study/proof of the common "wage gap" BS back in 1990, how blind/deaf does one have to be to wind up one of these zombies?
ETA: I suppose I could add that another class I took at PSU was deconstructing media "news" (print and newscasts), where you analyze the "framing" of the story, watch for phrase repetition and loaded verbiage and phrasing, to figure out the bias and possible agenda...whether it is factual news, or more opinion-based or used to foist opinion on the consumer. This was supposed to make us students aware of biased news and not fall victim to opinon-masquerading-as-news. What happened to those days? I'm willing to go on a limb and say that no such class probably exists at PSU today, regarding MSNBC or CNN, LOL