I for one will not support torture. If legitimate authorities are to execute someone it should be swift.
Torture and treason should really go hand-in-hand as a deterrence.
The significance and scale of harm done to your Countrymen through treason, especially when entrusted with high office, has to be accounted for in the punishment.
Simple execution and imprisonment doesn’t deter these people.
Instead, low-level idiots are occasionally thrown out in the public sphere as tokens to convince the remaining gullible masses that there is some kind of accountability.
You know Clinton sold China some of our most advanced military technology in the 1990s, right? Under SECSTATE Hillary Clinton, OPM was compromised with millions of SF86s handed over to the CCP and Russia.
After Putin announced that he was revitalizing Russia’s nuclear forces, he paid $363 million into Clinton Global Initiative through a network of intermediaries so he could buy controlling interest in US and Canadian Uranium mining with the Uranium One deal.
ATF SACs and ASACs literally enabled thousands of firearms to be smuggled into Mexico, which have shown up and continue to show up at mass murder crime scenes.
These treasonous offenses have resulted in the deaths of thousands of people already, while we face the potential of millions losing their lives from the sale of Uranium and advanced weapons systems to China and Russia.
A bullet to the head is not proportional or appropriate. They must blow the horn in the Brazen Bull.