Just getting I to PRS and having issues with target acquisition. Have had some serious eye issues in the last year which does not help. Couple of guys suggested me getting Swaro 15x56. I currently have vortex fury 10x42 and they suggested getting a dual tripod mount and use the fury for initial glassing and then the Swaros to hone in and find landmarks, etc.
Would I be able to use the Swaros for a spotting scope? Would like to mount my phone & record the bullet trace and impact. Would they work for this?
Target acquisition is something everyone struggles with when they start. I have terrible eyes and don't even shoot with glasses, but have gotten to the point where I can lay the gun down and generally be on target or close enough. It's a skill you need to hone. It comes with practice. Don't scan for targets in scope...pull your head off the gun and look over the elevation turret to line it up. Then back on glass.
You don't need a LRF for PRS. While there are sometimes ranges you want to check there will be half a dozen guys in your squad with one. The only real benefit of a laser is to verify the targets based on range when they aren't numbered.
Very few people use spotting scopes for PRS
, especially shooters. Overwhelmingly people use binos as it gives them a bigger fov and let's you pan to targets much easier/faster. Spotters at matches may use them on a static target and a few guys will lug around a mk4, hensdoldt or Swaro...but the vast majority will use binos.
The best current binos are the 14x Swaro Pures. Followed by the 12x pures. Then you get into the 15x swap slcs and down the list. The new vectronix LRF binos with a reticle are becoming more popular. You can add eyepieces to increase magnification and there is a reticle to measure target size which helps with formulating a plan. The rangefinder is the least valuable part for PRS. I carry a little vortex razor 4000 on my match mag just in case I need to verify something.
If it was me, I would pick up a set of 14x Pures and glue your ass to those the entire match. Practice panning and finding targets. Visualize what you are going to do before you shoot. Finding the targets then will become subconscious as you have done it 5-10 times on glass and in your mind before you actually shoot.
If you aren't running the stage or prepping for the stage, you should be on glass. You will learn a ton just watching other shooters, their corrections, their mistakes,ect.