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EU allies

The US has been the only ones playing world Police since the fall of the Berlin wall. The rest of the world was happy to let them do so.

Undoubtedly most countries in the West haven't taken defense seriously but that's because they were stupid enough to think the end of the Cold War meant world peace.

Don't kid yourself into think the US has been the only good guy on the planet protecting everyone.
It's clear now (thanks to Doge) that the US has been the leader of instability in the world trying to reorganize it in their favour, including in Ukraine.

You might not like it, support it, or voted for it but that doesn't make it false.

It's clear the wars and meddling of the 90s and 2000s have made the world increasingly unstable.
The UK and other countries have played their role too, but the US has been the leader.
Oh by no means do I think we are innocent actors. Ukraine is just one of the many World conflicts we are at least in part responsible for
It's clear now that the US has been the leader of instability in the world trying to reorganize it in their favour, including in Ukraine. It's clear the wars and meddling of the 90s and 2000s have made the world increasingly unstable. The UK and other countries have played their role too, but the US has been the leader.

Oh by no means do I think we are innocent actors. Ukraine is just one of the many World conflicts we are at least in part responsible for


That is NOT a popular opinion…


..despite extensive literature supporting it! :LOL:

That one up there’s my favorite.

Here’s the rub, though…

Our actions have almost unwaveringly followed the same motif.

We ruin other folks’ lives, then leave, and act as though our hands were perfectly clean, like we had nothing to do with it at all.

Lookit how Zelensky was thrown out like a used tampon after we jizzed on him all these years.

WE dressed him up like a little G.I. Joe action figure, then ridiculed him for “not having a suit.”

Yes, we need to cut Ukraine off, no question about it - but we’re also behaving as though we had nothing to do with the situation, when WE caused it - as though we were clothed in immense virtue.

Doesn’t really do much for our credibility, much less selling the idea of “love America.”
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A lot of the people in Europe wish they had leaders like Trump.

These are the real Europeans who have watched their civilization voluntarily handed over to muslim savages flowing in like the flood gates have been opened by feminists in the European Parliaments.

They face going to jail if they ask why Pakistani rape gangs go unpunished, even after raping one of their female family members. That’s already reality in the UK.

I have forecast for many years now multiple civil wars breaking out in Europe once real Europeans’ backs have been pushed up against the wall. They have placed themselves at an extreme disadvantage through a combination of:

Loss of firearms ownership rights
Mass immigration of demonic hordes who literally hate Europeans from birth
Marxists running the institutions pumping the gas on all of the above
A lot of the people in Europe wish they had leaders like Trump.

These are the real Europeans who have watched their civilization voluntarily handed over to muslim savages flowing in like the flood gates have been opened by feminists in the European Parliaments.

They face going to jail if they ask why Pakistani rape gangs go unpunished, even after raping one of their female family members. That’s already reality in the UK.

I have forecast for many years now multiple civil wars breaking out in Europe once real Europeans’ backs have been pushed up against the wall. They have placed themselves at an extreme disadvantage through a combination of:

Loss of firearms ownership rights
Mass immigration of demonic hordes who literally hate Europeans from birth
Marxists running the institutions pumping the gas on all of the above
Civil war breaking out in Europe. Maybe enough citizens in Switzerland and Angora, have firearms but Angora is about the size of Jackson Parish in North Central Louisiana, and may not even have as much population as Jackson Parish. (14,000). Otherwise,

It’s pretty much civilians armed with nothing more than fists and butter knives fighting the European quasi militaries. Hold on while I get the popcorn, cause I’m not sure who would win. Oh wait, if there is a civil war inside a NATO nation, do we have to jump in and defend the Marxist regime. Been there, done that, maybe not Marxist or NATO but damn for sure corrupt. (Re: Vietnam).

Angora, Beautiful little country in the Pyrenees between France and Spain. Every male citizen is required to own and regularly practice with their firearm. At least someone as some sense.
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Civil war breaking out in Europe. Maybe enough citizens in Switzerland and Angora, have firearms but Angora is about the size of Jackson Parish in North Central Louisiana, and may not even have as much population as Jackson Parish. (14,000). Otherwise,

It’s pretty much civilians armed with nothing more than fists and butter knives fighting the European quasi militaries. Hold on while I get the popcorn, cause I’m not sure who would win. Oh wait, if there is a civil war inside a NATO nation, do we have to jump in and defend the Marxist regime. Been there, done that, maybe not Marxist or NATO but damn for sure corrupt. (Re: Vietnam).

Angora, Beautiful little country in the Pyrenees between France and Spain. Every male citizen is required to own and regularly practice with their firearm. At least someone as some sense.
There are tons of firearms in Europe. Gangs and Muslims have been acquiring firearms for decades. UK purposely hides any firearm crime reporting because they don’t want to create a positive loop feedback in their effectiveness for criminals and peasants. It’s literally their state policy on firearms crime. A former London Special Police Squad officer broke it all down, exposing how the government lies and hides the reality from the people and the world. It also makes the UK Crome stats look better compared to other countries.

These were seized in Spain:

We’re talking about a place that won’t let people discuss Pakistani rape gangs. Germany is similar, with its speech police showing up to people’s doors to arrest them for saying things not permitted by fat German female parliamentarians and their male feminist side-kick simps.

There are millions of military weapons though from arsenals, black market stockpiles run by the intelligence agencies and arms traffickers of various nations, and close proximity for smuggling from the Middle East and North Africa. Folding stock AKMSs are very common in Europe.

You will also have instigation of chaos in Europe from Russia, who are strategic vandals that are only good at destroying and pitting people against each other.
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The US has been the only ones playing world Police since the fall of the Berlin wall. The rest of the world was happy to let them do so.

Undoubtedly most countries in the West haven't taken defense seriously but that's because they were stupid enough to think the end of the Cold War meant world peace.

Don't kid yourself into think the US has been the only good guy on the planet protecting everyone.
It's clear now (thanks to Doge) that the US has been the leader of instability in the world trying to reorganize it in their favour, including in Ukraine.

You might not like it, support it, or voted for it but that doesn't make it false.

It's clear the wars and meddling of the 90s and 2000s have made the world increasingly unstable.
The UK and other countries have played their role too, but the US has been the leader.
Traitors and actors within the US, using US institutions have been involved in destabilization since the 1950s.

For example, which US interests did it serve when the CIA helped assassinate the Diem brothers in South Vietnam? They were our allies and head of state there. The next logical question is, whose bidding was the CIA doing?

Same in South America, Central America, Africa, the Middle East.

This is why the most damaging history of the CIA is buried and kept from disclosure, that they were fully penetrated by the Soviets before they were even formed. NKVD already had tons of double agents inside the OSS during WWII.

Not everyone in Langley was a Russian or Soviet asset, but a heck of lot more than James Angleton ever imagined.
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Then look at which side the US White House supported in Yugoslavia.

The Bosnians and Muslims? Really? Why would Clinton do that and not support the Serbs?

I remember at the time thinking, “The Serbs stopped the freaking Muslim crusaders from invading Europe through the Balkans." They are Eastern Orthodox ecclesiastically independent, not beholden to any other Churches.

Within the circles I respected and continue to respect at the time, we did not like that Clinton sided with the Bosnians at all.

It didn’t make any sense.
The Bosnians and Muslims? Really? Why would Clinton do that and not support the Serbs?
I wondered that myself all the times I was there. Maybe Saudi influence perhaps? Or that Globohomo has always had a hatred for the Slavs?

That very question is what pulled me out of the normie matrix.

It was at that the me that I discovered the true nature of most media sources.
I wondered that myself all the times I was there. Maybe Saudi influence perhaps? Or that Globohomo has always had a hatred for the Slavs?

That very question is what pulled me out of the normie matrix.

It was at that the me that I discovered the true nature of most media sources.
Clinton had been on Soviet and Russian payroll since no later than 1984, some say as far back as 1969 when he fled England after the rape cases started to get attention from London police and US State Dept. He was just a draft-dodging hippie at the time.


A retired State Department employee, said he had spoken with the woman's family and filed a report . He said Clinton had admitted having sex with her but said she consented.

The employee is quoted as saying: "There was no doubt in my mind that this young woman had suffered severe emotional trauma."

But he added: "We were under tremendous pressure to avoid the embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape.

"I filed a report with my superiors and that was the last I heard of it."

He added that Clinton's interests while at Oxford appeared to be drinking, drugs and sex rather than studies.

"I came away from the incident with the clear impression that this was a young man who was there to party, not study," he said.

In an informal chat with BBC reporter Gavin Esler, Clinton once joked: "If they ever find out what I got up to in Oxford then I'm in deep trouble."

Where did he flee to in order to avoid the law? Soviet Russia, then Czechoslovakia. He stayed with a Czech family who were founders of the Czech communist party.

Meet the Czech family who put up Bill Clinton in 1970
Bill Clinton was a polite young man 24 years ago interested in the events of the Prague Spring, according to the Czech family he stayed with in 1970.

But they had no idea he would someday become president of the United States. And only Bill Clinton knows whether he realized in January 1970 that he was spending seven days living with one of the most famous names in Czechoslovak communist history.

When the U.S. president arrives in Prague today, it will mark the 24th anniversary of his stay with the family of Jan Kopold, his Oxford classmate.
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There is a G Edward Griffin interview where it’s stated that it goes back even further. Like before Lenin further. Can’t remember the title.
The European powers did everything they could to control and co-opt the emerging United States in the 1800s.

The Rothschild family history is sealed during the US Civil War years, for example. The financiers and royals all knew that America had the most resources with ease of access to the oceans, via its vast connected river networks, so they naturally wanted to control it. It had huge farmland in a temperate zone, tobacco, furs, timber, cotton, gold, silver, the largest copper deposits, iron, coal, corn, rice, hemp, sugar, etc.

There was major competition between the old empires, namely the British, French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch, and Russians. All of them wanted a piece or total control of the Americas.


After the British Empire failed to maintain overt military control over the US in 2 major wars (Revolution and 1812), they switched gears to financial and covert warfare, stirring up dissent among factions, while financing both sides. At the time, that primarily meant the North vs South.

The journal of one of the Rothschild sons is very interesting to read from 1859-1861, where he traveled around the US assessing its resources, culture, rail networks, religious groups, sects, and lines of division, openly talking about how they would finance weapons contracts to both the North and South.

A Casual View of America, Salomon de Rothschild, 1859-1861

Some people placed their bets with foreign enemies over County. Men of finance sold out to make a quick buck. But even with all those efforts, the US emerged as the most powerful Nation economically by no later than 1890.

Our scaling and pioneering of 8 critical military technologies during the Civil War spread out to Europe and the world to set the stage for how warfare would be fought to the present day. Those technologies would be used to erase the legacy empires in the 20th Century.

British Empire....vanquished by 1948, a shell of its former self. Pomp and circumstance in their minds hid the reality they were nothing but an overrated middle power from then until Brexit.

France managed its Empire’s demise with stated intent to fail throughout the 1900s, after the US bailed them out twice in The Great War and WWII.

Ottoman-Turks lost their empire during The Great War, with their Muslim Brotherhood going underground with the intent to bring back the Caliphate later. (Huge factor in the modern Islamic terrorist movement.)

Russian empire suck-started a Bolshevik revolution, financed by the foreign banks, using ideology of Karl Marx and a dissident exile named Lenin who returned with the bankers’ money to co-opt the revolutions and launch the demonic atheist Soviet State.

The US emerged at the end of the 1900s as the sole super power, despite the best efforts of Russian intelligence and traitors within the US.