There is a G Edward Griffin interview where it’s stated that it goes back even further. Like before Lenin further. Can’t remember the title.
The European powers did everything they could to control and co-opt the emerging United States in the 1800s.
The Rothschild family history is sealed during the US Civil War years, for example. The financiers and royals all knew that America had the most resources with ease of access to the oceans, via its vast connected river networks, so they naturally wanted to control it. It had huge farmland in a temperate zone, tobacco, furs, timber, cotton, gold, silver, the largest copper deposits, iron, coal, corn, rice, hemp, sugar, etc.
There was major competition between the old empires, namely the British, French, Spaniards, Portuguese, Dutch, and Russians. All of them wanted a piece or total control of the Americas.
After the British Empire failed to maintain overt military control over the US in 2 major wars (Revolution and 1812), they switched gears to financial and covert warfare, stirring up dissent among factions, while financing both sides. At the time, that primarily meant the North vs South.
The journal of one of the Rothschild sons is very interesting to read from 1859-1861, where he traveled around the US assessing its resources, culture, rail networks, religious groups, sects, and lines of division, openly talking about how they would finance weapons contracts to both the North and South.
A Casual View of America, Salomon de Rothschild, 1859-1861
Some people placed their bets with foreign enemies over County. Men of finance sold out to make a quick buck. But even with all those efforts, the US emerged as the most powerful Nation economically by no later than 1890.
Our scaling and pioneering of 8 critical military technologies during the Civil War spread out to Europe and the world to set the stage for how warfare would be fought to the present day. Those technologies would be used to erase the legacy empires in the 20th Century.
British Empire....vanquished by 1948, a shell of its former self. Pomp and circumstance in their minds hid the reality they were nothing but an overrated middle power from then until Brexit.
France managed its Empire’s demise with stated intent to fail throughout the 1900s, after the US bailed them out twice in The Great War and WWII.
Ottoman-Turks lost their empire during The Great War, with their Muslim Brotherhood going underground with the intent to bring back the Caliphate later. (Huge factor in the modern Islamic terrorist movement.)
Russian empire suck-started a Bolshevik revolution, financed by the foreign banks, using ideology of Karl Marx and a dissident exile named Lenin who returned with the bankers’ money to co-opt the revolutions and launch the demonic atheist Soviet State.
The US emerged at the end of the 1900s as the sole super power, despite the best efforts of Russian intelligence and traitors within the US.