Wait I’m confused.. I’m being called a scammer because the OP of the 308 Solus Barrel had it priced approx around $250 for an AERO branded 308 fluted Prefit barrel for Solus / Origin Action. I remember seeing Schuyler had one for $130 so I sent the guy the link.
I’ve used Schuylerarmsco before and a lot of Reddit does as well. I got the link from the owner Chris Schuyler from Reddit
There are plenty of people from snipershide who use this dealer.
I'm building a .308 using an Aero M5E1 builder set and found Schuyler Arms Co and they have the Aero buffer kit and LPK cheaper than anyone else... I have no experience with then and wanted to see if they were good to go before i placed an order. Appreciate the feed back guys!
He is very active on there.