What gives? Like finding hens teeth to get a rivetless 308 extractor. 2 on ebay for about $50 shipped together. Used to be like $10 a piece and could be found anywhere.
Welcome to the reality that even an iconic brand like Remington can go out of business. The business was scavenged and broken up so bad during the auction/sale process many things including OEM part availability became extinct.
Hopefully they or another company will fill that void.
Welcome to the reality that even an iconic brand like Remington can go out of business. The business was scavenged and broken up so bad during the auction/sale process many things including OEM part availability became extinct.
Hopefully they or another company will fill that void.
Checked ptg yesterday and the standard rivetless is on backorder.
Doing a new build and would prefer to use my standard bolt but have another ptg one piece with m16 extractor. Regardless I have other 700s and would like a few spares.
These are a mix of new old stock (NOS) and removals converted to M16 type. All from days long gone back when we did work for the Remington Custom Shop.
These are a mix of new old stock (NOS) and removals converted to M16 type. All from days long gone back when we did work for the Remington Custom Shop.