We’d be great friends, couldn’t agree moreI never gave the public schooling system a chance to eff up my kids.
My wife and I already discussed what we would do when we were dating, and public school wasn’t even an option. The main premise was that the fat beast teachers can’t even protect themselves in the event of some type of incident, let alone the precious few of them who are competent in basic disciplines of elementary studies.
On top of that, the classroom has not been a very effective learning environment ever since kids had access to public libraries.
The whole system is obsolete. It only made sense for some people back when highly-trained professors were the gate-keepers between university resources and classrooms.
Now we have professors spewing Marxism from their pulpits, no critical thinking courses, and academic monks who subscribe to a religious order of scientifically-invalid faiths like climate change, gender studies, and ideas that destroy the family and fabric of society.

Unfortunately, my ex disagrees and found herself a Kamala loving firefighter. So since we can’t agree on where to go to school, the judge says she has to stay where she is. Fuckin crazy. Let’s have a look below at what hangs in my 9 year olds cafeteria….(I blacked out the name of the school for the lurkers in here)