Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

It's funny they blame the union when the main reason bad teachers can get another job is they have a license and places have trouble finding enough licensed teachers to fill the jobs. So anyone with a license can easily find 10 jobs. Just one more example of how government intervention and licensing has ruined something. View attachment 8649717
Lack of that knowledge really screwed me seriously. Working in the field of Mental Retardation, it took years to get into a position of Case Management. Years! As retirement loomed, I thought it would take years for me to find a job in teaching. So, I left Case Management a couple years before I really needed too. Jumped at an opportunity to Teach. What a f - - k up. I was one of five new teachers in the year I started. My third year, I was the only one of the five still there. Talk about turn over. The Principal who initially hired me had left and the new administration really sucked. Basically they got me by the neck and threw me under the bus and then wanted to fire me because I was really unhappy. So, i finagled a move to another school in the system with a good administration, good coworkers and students, who for the most part wanted to learn.

Still teaching turned out to be a real mess, and really mucked up my finances to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. But I am paying them back by living long and at least getting some back in retirement benefits. (Oh, even at the better school, staff turnover was still rather high.).

Lesson learned. You go into teaching because you either a.) enjoy helping young people make progress in their lives; or b.) you like to kiss backsides so you will be loved by the administration.

I was always way too controversial to ever be loved by administration, I wanted the kids to do well. Some of my kids really are successful in their little lives, with spouses, children and real careers that benefit their family’s lives and the community.

Tofu dreg construction = Absolute fucking nightmare fuel in Asia. A similar incident has taken the life of a motorcycle rider in Seoul, ROK recently. And last year in China, a manager at a clothing store in a multilevel shopping complex fell straight through a failing floor, and by Final Destination style bad luck, landed right into an open commercial oil fryer in the kitchen of a fast food restaurant below. The scalding oil killed him instantly.