Current Surgeon vs AI Action

This response is not intended to be snarky.

The history of the guy who started Impact shows that he tried to improve on what he was working with when he was employed at Surgeon in OK. You'll definitely see a lot of a Surgeon in an Impact.

I'd include the trigger hanger as a potential "update" as well as the nitride finish, small firing pin on the short actions (Surgeon is probably doing this now too), and options to run AW mags and a 75 degree bolt if you wanted to. Plus everybody and their brother cuts prefit barrels now for an Impact.

It's just like buying the same vehicle, but 15 years apart. One isn't necessarily better than the other, but one has had the opportunity to have more standard features due to market trends.

And I say this owning a Surgeon, and not an Impact.
Appreciate the feedback, not snarky at all.

Keeping it car adjacent. The new 4Runners are excellent (2024, haven’t driven the 2025) but I’m still keeping my first gen.

I appreciate the explanation. Thanks.
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Maybe an opinionated question for some - but if the Impact is an improved Surgeon as some have mentioned in this thread - then why would one buy a Surgeon over an Impact?
Because I didn’t sit in a porter shitter in Agraba reading about Impacts

For me, a Surgeon was the benchmark and still is.

I did eventually get an AI & I love it too but the Surgeon just really gives my the fizz.
Another real plus for me at least with the AI system is the AI AW mags. 10 rounder is the same size as the 5 round AICS, feeds absolutely smooth and flawlessly and can be loaded with the mag in the action if needed.

I believe impact makes an AW cut. Not sure about surgeon or what not. How reliable they’d be in an impact I don’t know. The combo of chassis and adjustment I’m sure would determine this.

But the ability to run those mags in either setup is worth the price of admission. AW mags are also longer internally so it gives you a bit more length if you like to run 260 or topped bullets where you’re limited on mag length
How many gens are we on now with the AT-x? 4? 5?. Just came out a few years ago. Impact is just about unchanged since 2018 or sometime and just keeps running. I guess the engineers and people at AI aren't as smart as people think. They need to revise the gun every year.

Back in the days of the AW/AWSM and then original AX and then the AXMC things didn't change nearly as quickly.

I still think the original AW in the 2.0 config with the dovetail mount was about as really rugged and trouble free as you could make a rifle.
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I disagree.

I have been documenting headspace on every action I barrel including re-machined R700 actions since 1987. The Surgeons were all over the board on headspace until the "C" models. Pretty much, they remained fairly consistent from there on.
Beat me to it.

Surgeons are not sold as “prefit-able”.

From a phone call I had about a year ago …

take 10 actions
Measure them
Take the middle spec
That’s your prefit spec

That’s from the horses mouth

And the current owner doesn’t want to and is unwilling to make any or cosmetic.
Beat me to it.

Surgeons are not sold as “prefit-able”.

From a phone call I had about a year ago …

take 10 actions
Measure them
Take the middle spec
That’s your prefit spec

That’s from the horses mouth

And the current owner doesn’t want to and is unwilling to make any or cosmetic.
I heard they don’t sell actions anymore.
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Beat me to it.

Surgeons are not sold as “prefit-able”.

From a phone call I had about a year ago …

take 10 actions
Measure them
Take the middle spec
That’s your prefit spec

That’s from the horses mouth

And the current owner doesn’t want to and is unwilling to make any or cosmetic.

I heard they don’t sell actions anymore.
Seems Tacops is still using them for builds
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There are internal changes too.

There are guys who post on this site in the AI picture thread with AI failures they don't talk about. I personally know 2 of them. It doesn't get called out but it happens. That's the difference between what you read on the internet and what you see out in the field.

I got blasted a few years ago on here for calling them out so no need to rehash it. People get super defensive when you start to break down their belief structures and no amount of reason, logic and common sense will change that.

A match like mammoth does not put any more wear and tear on a rifle than a PRS match. No one is jumping the guns into the arctic. They aren't chucking their gun down a canyon. Its the environmental that really stress the guns. Rain, Dirt, Snow, Ice. Moisture causing high pressure events resulting in parts failure or a siezed gun. A bunch of dust and dirt getting into the action/trigger causing missfeeds or trigger failures. Then you get into small parts failure. Nothing I have seen says AI makes more reliable/durrable small parts than the other manufactures. In fact, I have seen the opposite. When you pair factory ammo that could be all over the place with these guns, you get another increases variable of failure. Its usualy a combination of things, not just one.

When it comes to a gun, simpler is better and less moving and small parts to break the better IMO. Its why the modern 700 clones with current feature set are so damn reliable when paired with a good trigger and chassis. A broken trigger or firing assembly failure (almost never happens with normal loads even in bad weather) is the most likely failure. Some idiots will also have pressure issues, but that's not the fault of the gun. They load hot and then when the weather changes they run into issues. I 100% mark that as user error no matter the platform.

Factory guns are fleet rifles. When you need a few dozen to a few thousand rifles you buy a factory gun. You buy the maintance kits and spare parts. You train armorers to a basic standard to swap out parts. That is the benefit of something like an AI or MRAD or Cadex.

For an individual, there is virtually no advantage to buying a fleet gun, especially when they end up costing significantly more than a full semi/custom that will perform just as well, give you much more options for fit out and in many cases be easier to shoot. Replacement parts and consumables are also much cheaper for the end user. Go look at what a spare bolt for an AI vs an Impact/terminus/Lone Peak costs. Its twice as much, and good luck getting something like a .223 bolt for training.

Most of the people running AI's at matches and the like are not your high quality shooters. There are a few out there but by large they are the lower rung of shooters. Take a class, and same thing. It’s a prestige thing. People think they are some pinnacle rifle , which may have been the case 20+ years ago. We all heard it over the years. You need an AI, S&B and FGMM 168. LOL. There was a time when the Ford Model T was also the pinnace of automobilies.
Just curious which “rung” of shooter you are? And also your experience shooting and working on all of these rifles.
Sounds like Terry Cross very nicely clarified you had little to no clue about “prefit actions” earlier.
Sounds like someone who either can’t afford an AI or someone who is justifying purchasing whatever setup they have.
My advice just shoot and have fun bud, it’s a lot more fun when you aren’t letting your insecurities get the best of you and being worried about what the next guy spends his money on.
Trying to decipher this thread - lots of great info - for an average guy-not PRS shooter or shooting in adverse weather - what would be a common failure for 700 based action to prepare for based on actual experience? Also - same question for AI-non-competitive average guy shooter - no adverse weather - what would be a possible common failure to prepare for based on actual experience? Trying to make an eyes wide open choice. Thank you..
Trying to decipher this thread - lots of great info - for an average guy-not PRS shooter or shooting in adverse weather - what would be a common failure for 700 based action to prepare for based on actual experience? Also - same question for AI-non-competitive average guy shooter - no adverse weather - what would be a possible common failure to prepare for based on actual experience? Trying to make an eyes wide open choice. Thank you..
Lol, there is definitely some deciphering to do above.

Personally, once things are squared away, neither platform should encounter problems in normal conditions. The 700 potentially needs more tweaking when setting it up with your mags depending on how the stars align. The AI should just run out of the box. But neither of my customs have posed any real hassle.

Based on the 2 local prs matches a month and ~ 4 big 2-day matches a year I attend (I'm not a PRS legend). From what I have seen, the trigger is the only "action" related failure that seems to occur now. This isn't a common occurance, but definitely happens in some of the western desert areas I'm in, every so often. I'm not counting other shenanigans like barrels loosening, or optics failing.

Unfortunately, my AXSR is my only bolt action to have had "a" trigger issue in a match so far and I have seen one AT with the old trigger have issues, so the AI is not immune. I have not yet seen issues with my Bix TSP or TT diamond, but I've seen several TTs go down before. This is out in sand hell though.
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Lol, there is definitely some deciphering to do above.

Personally, once things are squared away, neither platform should encounter problems in normal conditions. The 700 potentially needs more tweaking when setting it up with your mags depending on how the stars align. The AI should just run out of the box. But neither of my customs have posed any real hassle.

Based on the 2 local prs matches a month and ~ 4 big 2-day matches a year I attend (I'm not a PRS legend). From what I have seen, the trigger is the only "action" related failure that seems to occur now. This isn't a common occurance, but definitely happens in some of the western desert areas I'm in, every so often. I'm not counting other shenanigans like barrels loosening, or optics failing.

Unfortunately, my AXSR is my only bolt action to have had trigger issues in a match so far and I have seen one AT with the old trigger have issues, so the AI is not immune. I have not yet seen issues with my Bix TSP or TT diamond, but I've seen several TTs go down before. This is out in sand hell though.

The current quality of actions and parts makes the reliability argument such a dumb one.

Back in the day was a much different story. AI's were clearly superior to custom built rifles when it came to adverse conditions. If you didn't want to get an AI, Surgeon was really the only game in town that could provide a field reliable action, but you were still stuck with BR type triggers.

It's different today. Pretty much all of the actions, definitely all the regularly recommended ones here, are designed for use in adverse conditions. So are sensitive components like triggers.

Anything man-made can and will eventually fail in the right set of conditions. But precision rifles have come an incredibly long way in the past decade. You don't need to choose between an AI or custom rifle to get reliability anymore.

Don't let a bunch of guys on the internet tell you what YOU need. The info you are getting is what we as individuals think are the most important parts of a rifle and with our own bias of what makes it best.

What you really should do is attend a small local match and try to get some time behind several rifles and have a genuine conversation with the owners about the pros/cons of their rifles system.

Oddly enough there is a lot of shade thrown about AI failures but only in the "trust me, it happens a lot" scenario... All systems have failures and from my few observations of failures (trust me, it happens a lot) it is typically caused by user error in some way or another. Mismatching components, adjusting triggers outside of their listed parameters, etc.

If you ask me what the best rifle ever built is, I would tell you the AXMC is the bestest. Does that make it the best rifle for PRS? Would you even like it if you shot it? Only you can answer these questions in the end.

There are a ton of great actions out there and you won't be disappointed by any of them - even if there are features of another brand that you decide you can't live without.
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Don't let a bunch of guys on the internet tell you what YOU need. The info you are getting is what we as individuals think are the most important parts of a rifle and with our own bias of what makes it best.

What you really should do is attend a small local match and try to get some time behind several rifles and have a genuine conversation with the owners about the pros/cons of their rifles system.

Oddly enough there is a lot of shade thrown about AI failures but only in the "trust me, it happens a lot" scenario... All systems have failures and from my few observations of failures (trust me, it happens a lot) it is typically caused by user error in some way or another. Mismatching components, adjusting triggers outside of their listed parameters, etc.

If you ask me what the best rifle ever built is, I would tell you the AXMC is the bestest. Does that make it the best rifle for PRS? Would you even like it if you shot it? Only you can answer these questions in the end.

There are a ton of great actions out there and you won't be disappointed by any of them - even if there are features of another brand that you decide you can't live without.
Vivacious Stallion posted about first hand experience of an AXSR going down in a match. AI failures happen, and they are certainly not all in a "trust me, it happens a lot" scenario.

With that said, AI's are perfectly fine rifles but they aren't markedly better in harsh conditions than a 700 style action paired with a reliable trigger. Mk13 proved that out decades ago.
Thanks for all the info and encouragement -much wisdom---but with such varied opinions it is challenging to for an average Joe like me to sift through. Seems with AI you can't change the trigger to say TT Diamond which was mentioned for 700 actions- since people mentioned trigger issues with AI not sure of the TT Diamond is better or if AI offers an improved trigger over the ones mentioned having issues.
Thanks for all the info and encouragement -much wisdom---but with such varied opinions it is challenging to for an average Joe like me to sift through. Seems with AI you can't change the trigger to say TT Diamond which was mentioned for 700 actions- since people mentioned trigger issues with AI not sure of the TT Diamond is better or if AI offers an improved trigger over the ones mentioned having issues.
The AI as far as I know has basically 3 current triggers you could end up with. The standard which is in the AX/AT/AXMC, the competition which is in the ATX/ATXC (the XC may have same as AXSR) and I believe the AXSR that @Vivacious Stallion mentions is its own design

There’s going to be many more stories of 700 triggers going down but there’s also many more 700 triggers in use than AI triggers

Your biggest advantage aside from chassis options with a R700 footprint is the triggers. Your options are endless. The best part of the trigger is it cost $200-$250 give or take for something like a trigger tech diamond from the sale section here. There’s tons of trigger options on the used market here both single and two stage

You could easily have a spare if needed or afford to try a few to decide.

To try an AI comp trigger is about $550 and they don’t show up in the px very often.
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Take a look at different actions as well like comparing impact and terminus. The Zeus has a QD barrel feature more setup like the AI but in a set screw fashion. It also has a 60° throw like the AI where the impact generally is a 90° and I think they have a 75°.

Personally I prefer my 60° AI and 70° tikka throw to my 90° bolts. The AI is the heaviest of them. 90° throws will generally be less
Thanks much. Will look at those. Seems the AI Comp trigger can be had - but don't know how it compares to TT Diamond which is only one I am familiar with
The AI Comp and the similar AXSR trigger are excellent 2 stage triggers, but they are not a 5 oz single stage like the TT or Bix. Does that matter to you, only you can say. A good shooter will shoot great groups with both.
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The AI Comp and the similar AXSR trigger are excellent 2 stage triggers, but they are not a 5 oz single stage like the TT or Bix. Does that matter to you, only you can say. A good shooter will shoot great groups with both.
I have the AI standard and TT Primary two stage

I shoot equally well with and enjoy both of these
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Thanks for all the info and encouragement -much wisdom---but with such varied opinions it is challenging to for an average Joe like me to sift through. Seems with AI you can't change the trigger to say TT Diamond which was mentioned for 700 actions- since people mentioned trigger issues with AI not sure of the TT Diamond is better or if AI offers an improved trigger over the ones mentioned having issues.

The AI comp trigger is a bix n Andy and they are money. They won’t require replacement if you pierce one single primer like a TT.

If you run them at a few ounces though and don’t maintain them at all and let them get packed full of gunk they’ll have issues just like anything else. Just about anything mechanical will fail from lack of maintenance.

The only AI that I have ever seen fail at a match was my own after I pierced enough primers with high pressure ammo and small primers in my large pin AXMC to finally jam the firing pin up with pieces of primer cup. I knew this was a problem with large pins and I fucked around and found out.

On another note I was shooting another AX one day years before that with very hot loaded ammo in heavy rain and it was blowing the primers out of the cases and several went into the bolt lug recess and that gun was literally eating primers and did not stop functioning. They are beasts and there’s really nothing else that even gives them a run for their money.
The AI comp trigger is a bix n Andy and they are money. They won’t require replacement if you pierce one single primer like a TT.

If you run them at a few ounces though and don’t maintain them at all and let them get packed full of gunk they’ll have issues just like anything else. Just about anything mechanical will fail from lack of maintenance.

The only AI that I have ever seen fail at a match was my own after I pierced enough primers with high pressure ammo and small primers in my large pin AXMC to finally jam the firing pin up with pieces of primer cup. I knew this was a problem with large pins and I fucked around and found out.

On another note I was shooting another AX one day years before that with very hot loaded ammo in heavy rain and it was blowing the primers out of the cases and several went into the bolt lug recess and that gun was literally eating primers and did not stop functioning. They are beasts and there’s really nothing else that even gives them a run for their money.
XTSP manufacturers the AI comp trigger.
Here’s a nice little timeline of that day from the ol iPhone photo bank. The conditions driving out, the conditions there, a few of the pieces of brass during while we were laughing out asses off that this gun was still working, and then the aftermath of how many primers that rifle ate and didn’t skip a beat.

I like Surgeon actions and love impact actions, but they WILL NOT run with an AI when the conditions are shit. I’ve shot matches where my rifle was caked in mud and it didn’t stop working when others were struggling to get a single round off.


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Here’s a nice little timeline of that day from the ol iPhone photo bank. The conditions driving out, the conditions there, a few of the pieces of brass during while we were laughing out asses off that this gun was still working, and then the aftermath of how many primers that rifle ate and didn’t skip a beat.

I like Surgeon actions and love impact actions, but they WILL NOT run with an AI when the conditions are shit. I’ve shot matches where my rifle was caked in mud and it didn’t stop working when others were struggling to get a single round off.
The SH reloading mantra: We start at book max and work our way up! 😂 Fukushima then we work our way up to Chernobyl loads.
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Here’s a nice little timeline of that day from the ol iPhone photo bank. The conditions driving out, the conditions there, a few of the pieces of brass during while we were laughing out asses off that this gun was still working, and then the aftermath of how many primers that rifle ate and didn’t skip a beat.

I like Surgeon actions and love impact actions, but they WILL NOT run with an AI when the conditions are shit. I’ve shot matches where my rifle was caked in mud and it didn’t stop working when others were struggling to get a single round off.
"I like Surgeon actions and love impact actions, but they WILL NOT run with an AI when the conditions are shit. I’ve shot matches where my rifle was caked in mud and it didn’t stop working when others were struggling to get a single round off." - what do you attribute this to?
So not sure then what would technically
cause the Surgeon to not be able to handle these conditions you mentioned like AI - know lots of Surgeons used in the Military (RACS CSR for example) so imagine they have seen some extreme conditions
Was the Surgeon designed and tested to the same standards? If it was then it should be on equal footing. Are you talking about purchasing a mil spec rifle or building a custom? Not necessarily the same thing.
No 700 trigger is as simple or resistant to debris impingement upon function compared to the AW/AT/AX trigger.

The 6 split lug design and design on the bolt of the AT/AX makes the action more resistant to debris and environmentals stopping the bolt function into battery.

The AI action is significantly overbuilt to withstand any pressure issues from debris or environmental factors in the chamber from causing issues compared to a 700.

In no military trial ever conducted has a 700 action exceeded a sako trg or AI in MRBF.

The AXSR was bounced from the ASR trial due to a trigger failure in the comp style triggers they submitted. The trigger failed to actuate on one of the three test guns due to debris. My understanding is the trigger is now changed post that solicitation, and the AXSR trigger is now closer to the AT but with greater adjustability. obviously, I would expect someone with greater knowledge would correct this if I have it wrong.

Ironically, guess what is now infamous for trigger failures… the MRAD. Not to mention the tenon/chassis barrel barrel clamp failures that necessitated a mid life upgrade.
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The 6 split lug design and design on the bolt of the AT/AX makes the action more resistant to debris and environmentals stopping the bolt function into battery.
Care to explain why this is? I’m genuinely curious as I can’t picture the why / how of it. Is it as simple as there not being raceways? I’d think lugs would scrape / displace whatever they have to when going into battery be they 2 lugs or 6.
OK. Thanks. Not sure what would have been different in the Surgeon actions used in the milspec stuff. Be interesting to know.
I’m no expert on Surgeon. I know they sold some rifles in the GWOT. Chamber’s may have been modified, specific triggers, etc. I don’t know.

The AW and AX series of rifles didn’t suffer from trigger failures until the appearance of the competition triggers AFAIK.

I own both and like both. Different tools for different jobs. But if I had to chose one for reliability, it would be the AI.

Don’t fixate on the failure rates, they are both incredibly low. If you want the Surgeon, get it, it’s a quality piece of kit.
Only failures I've seen in AI have been from competition triggers or people running a BR cartridge without a mag kit and getting feeding issues.

As mentioned both are good. If you don't like the AI chassis then no downside to a surgeon or similar premium action.

I've owned and still own quite a few rifles and have a AI and TRG. They all work and I've had no failures with the 700 style actions with regular maintenance
I heard his name before. Is chambering barrels his specialty?
Dave Tooley? He’s a gun builder. I believe he did all the original AXMC barrels. He also did tikka for me with a proof barrel. It hammers to. I have a very early AXMC all my barrels are done by him. I am waiting on my Bartlien blank and I will send it to him for it to be chambered. I have a 338,300wm,308 and a 260 all done by Dave
The SH reloading mantra: We start at book max and work our way up! 😂 Fukushima then we work our way up to Chernobyl loads.

That was 45gr of Varget behind 185gr Juggs. Maybe slightly over pressure but not that much. You can be well under max pressure and introduce water into the chamber and pressure goes up. I’ve had pressure signs shooting in the rain with FGMM which is far from hot ammo.

The key takeaway here is that the rifle didn’t give a shit.