Read down to the end of this... and note Alina Habba's statement that "The congress created federal courts, we can defund them."
So if you are a federal judge (or a circuit court) that is passing activist rulings, playing fast and loose with the law, then you could be either dissoved by Congress or de-funded in the budget.
Trial balloon? Serious strategy? This one Obama-appointed judge who suddenly is throwing sand in the vaseline of the will of the American People... might find himself de-funded or his court entirely dissolved!
Note, too, that the Congress is trying to go on an extended Easter Recess... without finishing up Trump appointments. This includes judicial appointments, which need to continue moving forward. More delay, obfuscate and drag out... while trying to act all "We love America."
Checks and balances come in many flavors! And while the Constitution creates a judiciary branch overseen by a Supreme Court, the makeup of that judiciary branch (and the funding of it) is the work of the other two branches! So Executive and Legislative... get your asses in gear and reform the judiciary that has been weaponized for the last 25+ years (arguably the last 60+ or even the last 90 years) against the Constitution, the other branches and the American people.
Tick Tock folks... don't have forever to solve this before the commies go full commie!
PS. Note that she also recognizes that "People are tired of investigations... they want arrests. We need to make arrests. Not just investigate with no consequences. " Yup. This. With no consequences, we have no judicial system. Just a big roadblock that lets some people get away with murder while targeting others for destruction. All in plain sight with no consequences. Time for that to end. At least someone in .Gov is now saying it out loud!