This is an interesting potential strategy....


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

Read down to the end of this... and note Alina Habba's statement that "The congress created federal courts, we can defund them."

So if you are a federal judge (or a circuit court) that is passing activist rulings, playing fast and loose with the law, then you could be either dissoved by Congress or de-funded in the budget.

Trial balloon? Serious strategy? This one Obama-appointed judge who suddenly is throwing sand in the vaseline of the will of the American People... might find himself de-funded or his court entirely dissolved!

Note, too, that the Congress is trying to go on an extended Easter Recess... without finishing up Trump appointments. This includes judicial appointments, which need to continue moving forward. More delay, obfuscate and drag out... while trying to act all "We love America."

Checks and balances come in many flavors! And while the Constitution creates a judiciary branch overseen by a Supreme Court, the makeup of that judiciary branch (and the funding of it) is the work of the other two branches! So Executive and Legislative... get your asses in gear and reform the judiciary that has been weaponized for the last 25+ years (arguably the last 60+ or even the last 90 years) against the Constitution, the other branches and the American people.

Tick Tock folks... don't have forever to solve this before the commies go full commie!


PS. Note that she also recognizes that "People are tired of investigations... they want arrests. We need to make arrests. Not just investigate with no consequences. " Yup. This. With no consequences, we have no judicial system. Just a big roadblock that lets some people get away with murder while targeting others for destruction. All in plain sight with no consequences. Time for that to end. At least someone in .Gov is now saying it out loud!
We have three co-equal and independent branches of government. I want to see changes that encourage the independence of those branches because it makes a dictatorship harder to accomplish. My preferred answer here is not to give Congress more power over the Judiciary; I would like to see the Supreme Court given the power to discipline (up to removal) the lower court judges for bad behavior (right now a Federal judge is pretty much untouchable because of how divided our Congress is). Thus, independence is preserved but it makes it a bit easier to get rid of some of the really extreme examples of Federal judges doing whatever they want without any consequences.
We have three co-equal and independent branches of government. I want to see changes that encourage the independence of those branches because it makes a dictatorship harder to accomplish. My preferred answer here is not to give Congress more power over the Judiciary; I would like to see the Supreme Court given the power to discipline (up to removal) the lower court judges for bad behavior (right now a Federal judge is pretty much untouchable because of how divided our Congress is). Thus, independence is preserved but it makes it a bit easier to get rid of some of the really extreme examples of Federal judges doing whatever they want without any consequences.

Though SCOTUS is so political now with zealots on one side or the other filling the seats. The balance is only in numbers, not in reasonableness when it comes to interpreting the Constitution.

Do you really see Roberts, for example, disciplining lower court judges? Or any kind of sanctions coming from a court that has a history or its own activism or compromise?

Agree with the concept… the challenge is in the execution.

Congress (those elected to do the will of the people) created the alphabet and these courts for one reason. They make rules and laws to rule over the people and Congress is not held accountable for it.
The "By The People For The People" has been a figment of the imagination for a very long time.

All the world is a stage
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This reads as unintended satire.

"The single most un-American thing you can do" is going Brit- i.e. attacking the other two co-equal branches of government in an attempt to abandon our Constitutional structure in favor of centralized-executive-power... essentially re-creating the monarchy the Founders declared our Liberty from.

This is anathema to the DNA of the Republic.

Trump must realize that he has surrounded himself with the lowest quality, least competent advisors- and they are giving him bad advice that will lead him to ruin.

The Judiciary will not be undermined.
Though SCOTUS is so political now with zealots on one side or the other filling the seats. The balance is only in numbers, not in reasonableness when it comes to interpreting the Constitution.

Do you really see Roberts, for example, disciplining lower court judges? Or any kind of sanctions coming from a court that has a history or its own activism or compromise?

Agree with the concept… the challenge is in the execution.

Right now the Supreme Court has no meaningful ability to control the behavior of lower court judges. My hope is that giving the SC this ability would be a moderating force. I think Justice Roberts would use this power, just not as often or as visibly as the rest of us would like. But at least there would be the possibility of clamping down on rebellious lower court judges like those in the 9th Circuit. Right now the only real way to change the courts is the nuclear option of Congress and the Executive intervening and if this happens we are going to get "change" but probably not for the better.
Balance of power will not be restored until We The People make it so, unfortunately, I don't think it will be by the vote. The Federal government has become so twisted and convoluted, the knots will have to be cut out and the rope repaired to the specifications of the Founding Fathers wishes in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We should have corrected this issue at the gallows, long ago. Now, we reap what we have sown. Hopefully, some of the knots can be untangled over the next few years. EVERY Federal agency should be eliminated and powers returned to the states, without exception and two term limits imposed on every elected Federal official. Yeah, I know. It'll never happen.
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