
Pushing Tin
Full Member
Sep 8, 2017
Just ordered my first tripod and decided to just go balls deep and get an RRS thanks to all you fine folks. Talked with Michael over there about my setup and needs and I decided on a TVC-22i MK2 w/ Anvil-30 head. Super pumped. Originally had a Night Stalker ordered but after reading all the threads on here and getting serious “FOMO” already I had no choice but to bail on the NS and go with RRS. Thanks again @MPHReallyRightStuff
I just received my rrs tvc34l today with an anvil 30 and I was blown away with it. If it’s in the budget it’s definitely worth going with the best.
I just received my rrs tvc34l today with an anvil 30 and I was blown away with it. If it’s in the budget it’s definitely worth going with the best.
Can’t wait to get mine, pretty stoked to hit the fields at night with it. Instead of shooting sticks which I’ve always used. This will be a hell of an upgrade.
I jist went a leofoto 404 and anvil 30 but if I still have a job by the end of the year because of this damn covid I'll be upgrading to rrs. I'm hoping they will make the competition tripod on a 3 series platform
Just ordered my first tripod and decided to just go balls deep and get an RRS thanks to all you fine folks. Talked with Michael over there about my setup and needs and I decided on a TVC-22i MK2 w/ Anvil-30 head. Super pumped. Originally had a Night Stalker ordered but after reading all the threads on here and getting serious “FOMO” already I had no choice but to bail on the NS and go with RRS. Thanks again @MPHReallyRightStuff

I ordered a 22i and anvil today as well. Currently shooting with a ln-364c and nightstalker. The ln-364 is just too big and heavy to pack around hunting. The night stalker leaves a bit to be desired for stability and isn't any faster to deploy, maybe slower actually.
I've been waffling between the 33 and 24l for different reasons but I think the speed of the 2 section inverted legs will be what I've been after.
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@newguy2k3v2 absolutely, can’t wait to test it out! You’ll have to post a feedback up in here or wherever on how it stacks up against you Night Stalker. Maybe I’ll get one of those later on as a back up but I feel I’m going to get spoiled with this being my first and only lol
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@McMillan since the new tripod is an inverted style the legs actually get bigger instead of smaller. So it’s more rigid then a 3 series. And if you really wanted to you could put the 3 series apex on them
Yeah I'm aware it's already bigger. I'm hoping they make one that is a tank. Thinking if it's based on a 3 series which will make it more the size of a 4 series legs. I couldn't care less about weight only about stability. They may not make it but I'm still hopeful.
@McMillan I cant promise you how long itll take but we could make one of those for you if you want. I like to play around and make random customs sometimes. It will be a little more than the $860 for the 22i version. It would be a 32i, and the apex would be a TVC-3x versa kind with the main 3 series tube as top tube and 4 series tubes and bottom tube. Would yo want it the same height?
the 2 series will fit on the top leg but you'll have to decide where to put it then you wont be able to collapse the leg any further than that point. The collar on the 3 series leg would be fine unless you plan on keeping the sling on while extending it. I haven't done it but i could imagine there would be some issues with certain slings.
@McMillan I cant promise you how long itll take but we could make one of those for you if you want. I like to play around and make random customs sometimes. It will be a little more than the $860 for the 22i version. It would be a 32i, and the apex would be a TVC-3x versa kind with the main 3 series tube as top tube and 4 series tubes and bottom tube. Would yo want it the same height?
I'll send you a private msg about it. I'm definately keen
Just ordered my first tripod and decided to just go balls deep and get an RRS thanks to all you fine folks. Talked with Michael over there about my setup and needs and I decided on a TVC-22i MK2 w/ Anvil-30 head. Super pumped. Originally had a Night Stalker ordered but after reading all the threads on here and getting serious “FOMO” already I had no choice but to bail on the NS and go with RRS. Thanks again @MPHReallyRightStuff
I know how you feel. But like they say " Bye once , Cry once"
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I just ordered one of these with Anvil 30 Monday and it showed up yesterday. Initial impressions are very good. It's big, but pretty darn light. For reference, I have a TFCT-33 w/ Anvil already. I love it, but it's a touch short and tight when using it as a rear support...plus I want the option to easily through a ball head on if/when necessaty. I show be able to get some rounds off both this weekend.
I’m pretty amazed with the machining, functionality, and overall appearance of this thing. It truly is a work of art. All I’ve done is play around with it so far throwing some different guns on it. Headed to the range this weekend. I definitely think I’ll need a shorter tripod eventually though for ease in deploying for sitting on the ground with a smaller footprint for coyote hunting. Initial thoughts though, glad I went with RRS and excited to get this 22i out and shoot!
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I just ordered one of these with Anvil 30 Monday and it showed up yesterday. Initial impressions are very good. It's big, but pretty darn light. For reference, I have a TFCT-33 w/ Anvil already. I love it, but it's a touch short and tight when using it as a rear support...plus I want the option to easily through a ball head on if/when necessaty. I show be able to get some rounds off both this weekend.
All I can say is I am so jealous. Got a buddy that has that set up and it's sick ! Buy once cry once. He has taken it hunting twice and to three different long range courses. It draws looker's every time.
@McMillan I cant promise you how long itll take but we could make one of those for you if you want. I like to play around and make random customs sometimes. It will be a little more than the $860 for the 22i version. It would be a 32i, and the apex would be a TVC-3x versa kind with the main 3 series tube as top tube and 4 series tubes and bottom tube. Would yo want it the same height?
Planning to pick a 22i up soon. Unless you are planning on making a smaller version, same height but smaller legs?
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I played with one of these the other day. Pretty sweet set up. The only thing that was odd, was getting used to twisting the other direction. That kept messing with me. 😎
@McMillan its still a possibility but we have been swamped trying to get out the regular orders. Once we get to a good constant stock and happy regular customers, status I have a few custom ideas to launch. Sorry we haven’t had time to do the individual customs.

Did you ever order a regular 22i? If you in the mean time, (I know it’s money) you can convert the 22i into a slightly larger foot print utilizing the versa 3 apex. You have all the parts all ready you don’t need a kit just the apex and sure grip ring installed. Won’t make the legs thicker but will open up the surface are on top and the footprint below.
@McMillan its still a possibility but we have been swamped trying to get out the regular orders. Once we get to a good constant stock and happy regular customers, status I have a few custom ideas to launch. Sorry we haven’t had time to do the individual customs.

Did you ever order a regular 22i? If you in the mean time, (I know it’s money) you can convert the 22i into a slightly larger foot print utilizing the versa 3 apex. You have all the parts all ready you don’t need a kit just the apex and sure grip ring installed. Won’t make the legs thicker but will open up the surface are on top and the footprint below.
I haven't yet but I'll have to order something soon because someone stole my other tripod