Cryptocurrency is just more safe than central bank fiat. If the swamp wanted to crack down on decentralized currency it could, in theory. But that would take an astronomical amount of resources and ultimately(my opinion) would mean lots of violence against the gov enforcers
I think it'd be a whole lot easier for them to do then you'd think.
Three years ago if someone said they'd force vaccinations, overtly (key word being overtly) manipulate elections, destroy the entire economy openly and with public support, force people to segregate based on political affiliation, allow wide-scale left wing radical violence on a multi-billion dollar scale, and on and on -- WITHOUT a massive violent response, I would have said you were nuts.
But, look at Australia. They are literally building concentration camps. Look at our own homeland, we're not far from it. They're overtly doing all of the things once called conspiracy theories and it's just ignored by the media and the masses.
I lived the dot com bust, had a seven figure business in the industry. Watched it get wiped out by one speech. I saw Bush single handedly create the housing crisis as he got his family industry hundreds of billions in taxpayer handouts.
You remember Obama looking at taxing 401k's? Probably not, because the media barely covered it. But they looked into it.
They could destroy crypto in a day and now more then ever I'm confident the people of America would do nothing. So are they, clearly, as they are overtly doing all of these things now that just a few years ago we were all so sure would result in a revolution. Maybe it will, but it hasn't yet and so now they are emboldened.
I pray you are right, though. But I think the reality is they'll subvert it in such a way that just doesn't quite make it worth fighting. Then they'll take another step, and another step, until your will to fight is gone.
I wholeheartedly agree crypto is better than the dollar. Hell, bags of dogfood is safer than putting your wealth into the dollar. But, you don't see multi-billion to trillion dollar investment firms investing heavily into crypto. They're going after physical assets --- physical assets that are heavily taxed, even.
Take Bitcoin for example. It went from 60k to 30k and the reports I read on it were that the average transaction selling was just 3 digits. That shows the majority of money in bitcoin is nobody's. Nobody's won't be taking up arms over 3-4 digit losses. And it's not like they'll come say they're just taking it. No, they'll make up a story like they always do.
Like Bush and the bank failures. The same excuse he gave, the overnight lending, we're now seeing in the hundreds of billions. Exponentially more than it was then and now it's so commonplace that the fed is looking at changing the rules so it's a permanent thing they can just borrow / have allotted rather than something they file for nightly. Why isn't lending stopped now? We've been doing it for years, it was the basis for the first crash...
Perhaps, just perhaps, because it was a lie. And now it's in our faces and the vast majority of people don't even connect the dots. So, the gears keep turning as they continue to look for new ways to extract wealth from families.