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  1. R

    Kestrel link with LRF potential improvement

    Not related to pairing with an LRF, but I'm having connection issues with my Kestrel 5700 AL. I've recently upgraded from an LG V30 to an LG V60. I've downladed the Kestrel Ballistics app and attempted to connect the kestrel to my new phone and it gives me the "device connection failed" error...
  2. R

    Kestrel firmware version 1.41! Now available.

    Is there a reason why my kestrel 5700 Elite will pair with an older LG V30 but not my LG V60? I recently bought the latter and transfered all my data over, but the kestrel will only connect for a second and then I get a "connection to device lost" message when I try to use any of the functions...