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  1. C

    Is HBN worth the effort or is it snake oil?

    25-50 imo, but tubb is getting 3150+ from 6xc, so could be more.
  2. C

    Autotricker Pulley Belt

    bumping this thread, saved $20 in shipping from CA!
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    Effect of primer weight on speed

    I cleaned my cases too much once, and even with TBN coating, bullet seating pressure went nuts and SDs went from 8 to 24. You can absolutely clean your cases too much. A thin layer of carbon and case lube - if consistent - is a good thing.
  4. C

    Is HBN worth the effort or is it snake oil?

    I use Tubb's TBN. Works great for me. I have to run more powder for same speed, but in total get more headroom on velocity.
  5. C

    Effect of primer weight on speed

    For 6xc, Norma brass, sorted into 1 gr case weight. For neck tension I use a Sinclair carbide mandrel, and I jam the bullet well into the lands. Also, I switched off of H4350, varget, 4895 and H4831SC all gave better SDs.
  6. C

    Effect of primer weight on speed

    Thanks, its a journey, takes a while to sort out what actually matters. For instance, I have not been sorting small rifle primers. 3-4x the SD is what I usually see on ES
  7. C

    Effect of primer weight on speed

    No problem, SD on that test was 13.2 with an ES of 65. This was pretty typical for me. After weight sorting primers and brass, I routinely see an SD of 6 over 20 round strings in both 6xc and 7saum.
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    Effect of primer weight on speed

    Here are my results from a few months back. These are CCI BR2s. 6xc w/115 DTACs. I now sort my larger rifle primers into .04gr.
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    Anybody known if I can buy a replacement angle mirror attachment? I dropped mine and it went into the black hole of my garage.
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    I'll take the rat tail
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    7 saum
  13. C

    7 saum

    A couple RE23 loads are posted in the "7mm Remington Short Action Ultra Magnum (7mm RSAUM) Shooters and reloaders" facebook group.
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    7 saum

    I tried mag feeding the 183 in a short action (accurate mags, 2.945 oal), got 2830 with 57.5 h4831 and 2920 with 62.5 H1000. I'm not gonna run this anymore as the bullet oal variance is enough to bind up feeding and I'm leaving visible marks on the bullets when seating due to the large amount of...
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    Advanced Marksmanship Zero Shift - One Month of Tracking

    Thanks all for the insights. I'm going to test a few variations of my hold - shoulder pocket placement, cheek pressure, grip pressure, to see what that does to my zero, and if I can replicate the vertical shifts that way. I also want to see what a less than perfect parallax setting does to my...
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    Advanced Marksmanship Zero Shift - One Month of Tracking

    Over the past month, I've been tracking the POI of my first groups of the day/session (cold bore + 2 or more rounds). After I shoot my first group, I put in a correction and carry on with my practice / match. So far I've got ~2.5 moa of left shift built up over a month. My vertical varies quite...
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    Sniper’s Hide Cup 2017 Sniper's Hide Cup at Rifles Only

    I signed up, looking forward to it!
  18. C

    300 Norma Mag

    how would I know if my chamber reamer was out of spec?
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    Advanced Marksmanship POI testing

    Its not, ammo is not the issue, all shooting with this rifle is either M118 LR '09 (2712 fps, SD 10) or 175 Gold Medal match, (2683 fps. SD 12) I've got ~50 rounds of M118 over magnetospeeds and labradars and ~30 of GMM over 2 magnetospeeds. About 1000 rounds of each on this barrel, same issue...
  20. C

    Advanced Marksmanship POI testing

    I'm getting ~4 moa of vertical dispersion when shooting long range with a hot barrel (10+ round strings). POI shift is not consistent; it will be high, low, or right back to center. Most of the time its high. I've eliminated the scope and ammo as potential causes through prior tests. At 600...