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  1. quietmike

  2. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    The woman who created Planned Parenthood to exterminate "human weeds".
  3. quietmike

    Audit Finds California Has Spent $24 Billion on Homeless Programs Over Five Years and the Problem Has Only Gotten Worse!

    You spend more on something and you get more of it? Whoda thunkit?
  4. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  5. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  6. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Why do you lie like this? Killing a human embryo is perfectly legal in some areas. Killing a (bald or golden) eagle embryo is illegal in every jurisdiction in the US. Shouldn't humans rate a bit higher than birds?
  7. quietmike


  8. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Looking as oppposed to being? Thinking is hard for you, no?
  9. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  10. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  11. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  12. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Logic is so hard for some people. But a lifetime of experience tells them not to trust their own judgment.
  13. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    I've posted several and you dodged them all. Once more, if you believe so fervently in an ideology, why can't you defend it?
  14. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    A nice admission. Is that why you can't refute any of my posts?
  15. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    What i claim to be true is democrats haven't changed a bit. Past democrats used the power of government to force people to pick their crops and perform other menial tasks. They said slaves and native Americans didn't really count as people and could be killed w/o consequence. Modern...
  16. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Who got to decide what southerners did with their property aka slaves? Before you go off on another tangent saying it's not analogous, they're both segments of the population legally deemed "not actual people".
  17. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    @Haney just gonna pretend you didn't get this notification?
  18. quietmike

    Maggie’s Funny & awesome pics, vids and memes thread (work safe, no nudity)
  19. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Even with those, in Coker v Georgia and Kennedy v Louisiana SCOTUS ruled killing someone over rape or incest violated the 8th.