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  1. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    I know very basic logic is hard for some folks, especially if they had no father growing up. But if a fella lacks the wherewithal to go to the store and buy a box of condoms, the chance he'll be able to help a woman support a baby is near zero, and that's an excellent reason not to sleep with...
  2. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    @theLBC why haven't you respinded?
  3. quietmike

    ES inverse of accuracy

    @Haney why would you come to an obviously conservative forum and spout your lefty BS? Wouldn't you be equally upset if a priest showed up at your NAMBLA meetings?
  4. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Morality doesn't change. That some have no morals is a personal failure.
  5. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    It wasn't subsidized by government then.
  6. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Poverty in the US is almost universally the result of laziness and/or poor life choices. From the article: Finish at least high school, get a job, get married, and have kids IN THAT ORDER...
  7. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Why reform instead of eliminate? If I put an ad in the local paper saying I'd pay 500$/week to cut my lawn, my phone would blow up with calls wanting that job. When government advertisements say they will pay unwed moms to raise illegitimate children in fatherless homes, folks will sign up for...
  8. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    So your answer is even more government?
  9. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    About 10 years ago the Brookings Institute released a study saying if you at least finished high school, got a job, got married, then had kids, IN THAT ORDER, your chances of living in poverty were in the single digits, why should we continue to subsidize laziness and poor life choices...
  10. quietmike

    California Minimum Wage Effects

    The actual minimum wage is 0, as that's what you get when you're laid off. If entitlement spending was eliminated, taxes would drop by 66%. What would happen to the economy? It would explode with growth. Ever heard the old saying: Republicans are for the rich and democrats for the poor? Ever...
  11. quietmike

    "Hello police my mom and dad are fighting again it's really annoying.....BLAM,BLAM,BLAM.

    If you don't like being called an egg sucker, don't suck eggs.-my grandfather
  12. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Poverty in the US is nearly universally the result of laziness and/or poor life choices.
  13. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    @doubloon why did you like this when it's exactly what I've been saying on this entire thread?
  14. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    @theLBC Why are you sad instead of actually responding to the question?
  15. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    If your child came home with a great report card and you grounded them. If your child came home with a failing report card and you rewarded them, what would you be teaching them? Government does exactly that. Punish people who are successful and reward people who are stupid and lazy. In...
  16. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

  17. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Tell it to your shrink.
  18. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    I know one of your greatest wishes in life is to be able to call someone dad, but I'm not him. You've never met him and likely never will.
  19. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    You post this after I link a video of her talking about speaking at a KKK women's auxiliary meeting???
  20. quietmike

    Is abortion ok

    Was it morally wrong to whip a lazy slave or hang a rebellious one? Was it morally wrong to sterilize or lobotomize the mentally ill? All were legal at some point. Legal and moral are not synonyms.