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  1. B

    Anyone have any idea what happened to Hensoldt?

    That is awesome. Few questions; GA precision was making rifles that long ago? lol. And secondly, your unit had GA precision AR's?
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    Anyone have any idea what happened to Hensoldt?

    Yea, that's kind of what I meant; their prices were too high for what you were getting. Because all the rest of the other expensive guys kinda blossomed here. What confused me was where else were you going to sell super high end tactical rifle scopes, when we;re really the only country doing...
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    Anyone have any idea what happened to Hensoldt?

    Oh wow, dam. I wonder if it was their prices that did that.
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    Anyone have any idea what happened to Hensoldt?

    I see pretty much everyone dropped their Hensoldt lines here in the U.S.. Was that Hensoldt doing that, or were they just crappy sellers? Are they gone forever?
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    Help, my 5.56 reloads suck

    At this point, I dont see any scientific evidence that it's all because of the bullets only. There are several things wrong with this load, and no one has attempted to pick out the individual factors one by one. I hear a TON of "it's because you're not using lapua cases with berger bullets and...
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    Subsonics - All Calibers

    Out of certain barrel lengths. Ive shot a few that were not subsonic out of my PCC style firearm.
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    Help, my 5.56 reloads suck

    Yea, get rid of both the bullets and the brass BUT, if you have access to a high end scale, try this - weight batch 15 bullets to the tightest tolerance you can get them to with this scale, then, take 15 cases of the same headstamp (year, make, model) and load a load ladder in 3 round groups...
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    Pressures using neck sealant

    Understood. Thanks for the perspective guys.
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    Pressures using neck sealant

    Gotcha. So if Ive determined that say the hold on the bullet at three thousandths interference fit works perfect, then I'm assuming I should lower that a bit to compensate for the additional hold the neck sealant's going to give me.
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    Pressures using neck sealant

    So that neck sealer sitting there for say a few years, does nothing to increase overall tension on that bullet?
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    Pressures using neck sealant

    Have a pressure question using neck sealant. If you seal your necks, and let it sit for a while, what does that do to your pressure inside? Like for example, the older milsurp rounds that are sealed with asphalt then crimped hard-how are those rounds not super hot because of that? Also, on...
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    Question on ball powder vs cannister for your .223 hand loaders

    What do you mean by the bullets going to sleep? I've never heard that before. And as for me and my reloading tools, all the powder shapes besides extruded (flake and ball) meter HORRIBLY in my autotrickler. (yes, I've done all the tricks to help the power thrower attempt better consistency...
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    Question on ball powder vs cannister for your .223 hand loaders

    Sorry for the different terms; I meant cannister powder as in each kernel is cannister shaped, like a coke can. I should have said extruded. That would have probably been the more technical term lol.
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    Question on ball powder vs cannister for your .223 hand loaders

    I've been reading that cannister powders generally produce better consistency due to how they burn, over ball powders. I normally load cannister as that's all I've really broken in to thus far this year (this is my first year). Have any of you noticed any difference in shot group size between...
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    Anyone reload .303 here?

    Thanks for the help guys, this really helps.
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    Anyone reload .303 here?

    Was in my Hornady manual working up a load for a 125 grainer for an experiment (helping a buddy try and find a good load for this old enfield) and noticed Varget wasn't on there, but only some odd no name powders. H4895's there but I dont have any at the moment :( Anyone use anything else...
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    Mosin bolt headspace question for the experts

    The really nice condition Ishevsk numbers matching 91/30 I have will barely close on a go gage. I forced it down once but dont want to do it again. Have a spare bolt here and changed the heads and it seems a little better with these go and no go gauges.
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    Mosin bolt headspace question for the experts

    Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it.