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  1. DM1975

    The new Athlon Ares BTR G3 2.5-15x50, initials, and ongoing thoughts.

    Your findings are very similar to what I’m getting with a 0.06 mil reticle on the gen2. At 2.5x I can’t see the center dot but I can find the center of the crosshairs well enough to use. For my eyes I can make out the crosshairs pretty well at 2.5x in most applications that I’ve tried so far but...
  2. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    All in all I prefer to dial elevation whenever I can and hold for wind. Where I’m at the wind is usually so switchy that it makes dialing and bracketing nearly useless. Having said that though I still prefer to have the tree illuminated as well.
  3. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I get that and I suppose for me it’s not so much scopes that just have the crosshairs illuminated but ones that have just the donut or just the very center illuminated that I really don’t like.
  4. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I used to be a diehard Leupold fan. I used them in the Army and on hunting rifles and I was very hopeful in the Mk3hd and kinda went into it blindly because of the name and was utterly disappointed in what I got.
  5. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I have the Mk3hd and if the vx3 is anything similar then it’s not that great. My buddy has the vx3 but I have not been able to use it as he’s in another state. I believe you only get one revolution out of the elevation turret with it. I can tell you the mk3 hd has the worst windage turret I...
  6. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    The reason I ask is that I hear people ask for it allot and I see reticles being made that way. For me that illuminated tree on the top end is definitely what I want. I want that for shooting in dark shaded targets, heavily contrasting backgrounds, fighting glare shooting towards the sun, fading...
  7. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I don’t see why people purposely limit themselves to such low top ends like 10x. I mean I’m not arguing that it can’t be done, I shot 10x for a while on a precision rifle but I sure don’t prefer it. I realize size and weight play some factor but still. I often think that people do it just...
  8. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I agree with you on the horizontal stadia needs to be brought into the donut. I would also want the reticle fully illuminated. This reticle is kindof what I’m talking about when I say I think they make the compromises in all the wrong places.
  9. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    My thoughts on this as I’ve been going down this path for the last several months is that the right reticle is a must and makes up for a whole lot of shortcomings in other ares provided they’re not so bad as to make the scope too difficult to use. I would give a certain amount of leeway to other...
  10. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I’ve been trying my gen2 out on several different backgrounds. In the trees around here and in shadows I can still pick the reticle up decently. Where I start to have issues is when I try it out against brick walls across the street from me. On the red brick walls I don’t have much of an issue...
  11. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    Yeah that’s about where I’m at. I can’t see to drive at night. Lights are blinding and look like huge stars. I can still see well enough in a pasture on a full moon night to navigate around but it’s getting harder.
  12. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    I’ve been thinking about seeing if surgery would help. Just have to see if either tricare or the VA will pay.
  13. DM1975

    Spotters Question about calling out Mills at different distances.

    I would also add that a mil is 1inch at 1000 inches, 1 foot at 1000 feet, and 1 yard at 1000 yards. Just so as not to confuse someone into thinking they have to use the metric system with mils.
  14. DM1975

    Rifle Scopes Is there a market for a good MPVO

    I have to agree with you on that. The only reason I went with the gen2 was for the full reticle illumination and sale price. Other than that the crosshairs are the same thickness, but I do like the crosshair design in the gen3 a little better. I will eventually need another one and might get the...
  15. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    I have one. I have a bench to shoot off of as well. I mean that all helps when I’m on my range and on my time. I would however like to start shooting competition again so that’s one of the reasons I’ve been making a push to get my neck, back, and knees working better again. For now I’ll do the...
  16. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    Well for the time being I’m stuck with Army retirement glasses. I get two choices of frames lol. Doing PT for my knees as well. Hopefully it won’t take an act of congress for me to get up out of the prone and kneeling anymore.
  17. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    I do. Actually I’m having to get xrays done on it by the VA shortly. For now they have me seeing a chiropractor. It’s been an ongoing issue for several years now. I’ve always had issues in the prone wearing eye pro though. I have a Savage Stealth Evo with super high Leupold mk4 rings on it and...
  18. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    I’m lucky that I have my own range where I don’t have to have eye pro. When I’ve had to wear it in the past I always just let the eye pro slip down my nose far enough to look over it lol. I might try a brain strap and see if that helps out any.
  19. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    I thought about the ring height as well and actually have a rifle set up with extra high rings and initially tried my glasses out on it the day I got them. Still had the issue. When I’m standing it isn’t as bad but prone it’s pretty difficult. I’m sure I just need to work on it but I’ve been...
  20. DM1975

    308 DMR optics

    Well I suppose I could. When I have done so I have to back the focus ring for the reticle way out which isn’t a big issue. My biggest issue is that with my long ass neck I’m basically having to look through the upper part of the frame of the glasses and that whole area is distorted. When I look...