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  1. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    I think a big issue is a lot of people who only shoot white painted steel targets on nice open ranges don’t get so much the practical aspect of what they’re asking for. Not dissing them at all, but that’s not how everyone shoots.
  2. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Oh lord I thought you were serious with that. I was trying to be nice and considerate to others wishes lol. I honestly think on a crossover type reticle as long as the crosshairs are .05 mil or thicker then a normal tree style reticle will do the trick in low magnification ranges. I’m willing to...
  3. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    While I agree with a lot of this I would like to comment on the tree part. Me wanting the tree is not primarily for spotting splash and correcting my shots. The main purpose of that tree for me is wind holds when I’m holding over instead of dialing elevation. Making corrections is secondary to...
  4. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    That’s it right there. I too grew up using MOA and switched to mils. MOA breaks down to half's then quarters. Mil breaks down in tenths then fifths. If I were using an MOA reticle I absolutely want it broken down in quarters. Not a mil reticle though. I honestly don’t even want .5 mil...
  5. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    I agree. Where it makes a difference is how well you can digest that information. Some obviously can digest the reticle breakdown better in quarters. For me it’s fifths. Neither is impossible to do, it’s just in how you process that information I suppose. Like Luckyshot said, broken down into...
  6. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    I think that’s a good step in the right direction. I’m not a fan of the stadia layout in between the full mil marks on the vertical crosshair but in all for a crossover reticle this isn’t too bad. I think the circle could use some refining but it’s definitely on the right track I think. Is the...
  7. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Those all make sense to me. I already have to think enough when shooting as it is, I don’t want to have to put so much effort into remembering everything in my reticle that I get paralyzed by thought while trying to decipher everything in front of me or getting lost in the pattern it all...
  8. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    I like how you have the crosshairs descending in size. I think you’re on to something there. The 5 mils mark just isn’t needed I don’t think, but it also doesn’t detract from it either and some could find it useful. The tree to me, and this is no offense, reminds me of a linoleum floor tiling...
  9. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    For me, and this might just be me, but the tree seems to be overly complicated. I feel that it should be more simplified rather than being a collection of +,-,., and | symbols. Also on the horizontal crosshair if you’re only going to number 2, 5, and 10 mils then the full mil hash marks should...
  10. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Right, I understand why they do it. I also agree that 0.2 mil holds is not so much information that you get lost in it. I actually feel it makes everything more simple to use. I think 0.25 hash marks is like having a ruler divided into 1/3” segments when all of your measurements are in 1/2, 1/4...
  11. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    If my holds are gonna be something like 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 etc… then why have 0.25? It just makes it take a little longer to figure and involves more approximation on my part. Not impossible to do, but it’s not what I prefer to do.
  12. DM1975

    Which Oil Do You Use to Wet Mount Scopes

    Gentle strokes in the right spot negate the need to add lube prior to mounting. Some have problems finding that spot but it is there, trust me. The caveat to this is older mounts. They might require lube regardless. Especially if they’ve been mounted a lot.
  13. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Maybe instead of hash marks we could use little skull outlines instead? :)
  14. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Yes, that’s the plan, but if everyone just kept their mouth shut and didn’t voice their opinions then nothing would ever change. This is after all basically a thread stating what we want to see in a reticle.
  15. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    For me it was way worse. Some say it’s great for astigmatism though. Trying one first would for sure be best. It’s a shame as I really like the idea of an eotech.
  16. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Astigmatism affects people differently I think. I know with mine using a red dot like most it causes issues. A lot of people use eotechs instead because they say it’s much better but for me the eotech looks like a huge red smudge and is much worse.
  17. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    No I completely get that it’s a compromise and I understand to offset aim with it. That I completely get. I do think a thicker circle and smaller dot might be better, and I don’t thinkI’m a 1/2 moa shooter all day long, but often enough I’m shooting targets that are small enough to get obscured...
  18. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    This has been my latest search, an optic to put on my Aero M5 and my SPRish rifle. Within my budget the closest I can find to what I would like is in the Athlon Helos 2-12 but the center dot is too big for what I want. A 1 moa center dot doesn’t help much for grouping and covers a lot of space...
  19. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Honestly, I kinda like the reticle they got now.
  20. DM1975

    DNT is gonna let us do a reticle

    Yes! That’s why I like a fully illuminated reticle. Not everyone is shooting bright white painted targets on an open and manicured range.