Search results

  1. pangris

    Craddock RTR

    I've got 4 coming, two .750's and two .625's that Craddock is doing the assembly on. Will post results. Week of the 26-30th I should have them and range time with any luck. ETA - Who built yours/other components?
  2. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    I've had great luck with switchblocks. I've gotten away from other adjustables - I had a Superlative that was bad from the factory with a piece of metal shaving in the adjustment, and that made it a single shot when first built. Slowly but surely switching everything else out to the SB or...
  3. pangris

    Battle Arms Development barrels and customer service – Caveat Emptor

    $600, $400, $90 - same same in todays clown world.
  4. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    I'm pretty sure there are guys on this forum who need the rifle in their bedroom to perform
  5. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    I'm not trying to debate that the amount of pressure you signed up for is the amount of gas you want. RE: there are bleed off gas blocks - exactly - and they are trying to deliver the amount of gas you want. You could well want more or less based on ammo, cans, specific set up. That is the...
  6. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    Maybe both. Less gas is like less horsepower. There is no benefit to a bad seal that leaks a bit out either. While it isn't a requirement per se, there is no benefit to anything other than 100% of the gas you're supposed to have.
  7. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    This site is an amazing technical resource, just have a thick skin, ducks back, and soak in the good parts
  8. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    Mike illustrated a good fit as one where he taps it on - not beats it - tap tap tap. Not finger loose slide, not warm up your shoulder.
  9. pangris

    Battle Arms Development barrels and customer service – Caveat Emptor

    I can say the guy who told me BA was still "accurizing" gave me the impression that in his short tenure there, he's seen some shit.
  10. pangris

    Battle Arms Development barrels and customer service – Caveat Emptor

    Don't know. I made my monthly "can I please have my guns" call and the new guy said - We're still waiting on BA to accurize the barrels. That's when I started laughing. I didn't know much about them other than my impression they were budget build barrels. The time between that call and them...
  11. pangris

    Knights Armament parts availability

    Counterpoint - I'm less concerned with innovation that launching metal reliably and accurately. My experience is they're still doing that the right way. I'm trying to get a bullet out of a barrel. I'm fine with a 30 or 70 or 100+ year old system (I'm thinking of HK USP, AR, 1911 and various...
  12. pangris

    Battle Arms Development barrels and customer service – Caveat Emptor

    I'll be fine. George is the one that has to live with the knowledge he didn't do right. Maybe he doesn't care. Lesson learned. Stick with known supplier for the heart of your rifles.
  13. pangris

    Realistically Best Option for a 7.62 Gas Gun

    AMEN. I have a couple custom builds that I've fought for years. I would have been WAY better off buying an N6 (surprised no Noveske with a SB suggestions??) or whatever else. I just rebarreled with an N6 barrel and - bearing in mind I have countless springs buffers etc - had the first range...
  14. pangris

    Ballistics Advantage barrels question... warranty issue approaching epic fail

    Here's the shit show.
  15. pangris

    Battle Arms Development barrels and customer service – Caveat Emptor

    10/3/2024 - Edited to add - The owner of Battle Arms did follow up with me and offered a store credit for the amount I was out for the costs incurred. I got their ultralight receiver set. It all worked out, just like Lil Wayne said it would. A long long time ago, before the wind, before the...
  16. pangris

    Ballistics Advantage barrels question... warranty issue approaching epic fail

    The public lynching some of you were hoping to see is being typed. The saga has reached an end. The culprit is Battle Arms Development. All details in a new thread, coming shortly.
  17. pangris

    Having trouble using the site?

    The email I signed up with in 2006 is dead and I can't get it changed, hence I can't log in with email - and my password is long forgotten as I've been living on cookies since Thor only knows when. I'm hanging on by a thread. I've emailed support with a request to have it corrected but as of...
  18. pangris

    Hunting & Fishing Experimenting w/ different calibers on deer (Graphic)

    I've been blessed, out of my 12.5 and 20" Noveske barrels - same same accuracy and POA/POI are so close that they are almost interchangable. Not quite, but I could interchange within 150-200 without re-zero'ing.
  19. pangris

    Sons of Liberty Armorers Class - AAR

    I believe that is the joint task force range thingy in the Zachary area - yes. But, open to civilians.
  20. pangris

    Hunting & Fishing Experimenting w/ different calibers on deer (Graphic)

    Thoughts on the ELD vs SST, in a Grendel specifically? I don't have a big enough sample size to have statistically significant opinions. In short, many say the SST is a much better choice but the ELD seem to work well enough on pigs.