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  1. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    Likely the final update from me on these. I shot both bullets with the exact same load at 633 and 979 yards on Saturday, with some interesting observations. The big one is that at least for this barrel, I can go from Berger to Hornady, but not Hornady to Berger. You will see in the table below...
  2. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    That could be, with Varget they were within 7 fps average, and i shot the Hornady second, but it could be that the barrel is speeding up already and gaining 10-20 fps per string.
  3. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    Shooting groups sucks with a wallowed out aiming point 😂
  4. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    Got a chance to do some shooting today. Unfortunately with the January ND weather along with working out kinks in a new rifle things didn't quite go to plan. I only had time to shoot the 105 hybrid and 105 Aeromatch with Varget and N150, and the Varget test didn't quite go to plan as I had some...
  5. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    I just ordered another 2000 105 hybrids, no promise I will get to it anytime soon but I will definitely get around to measuring them.
  6. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    Just picked up my 6 Dasher barrels yesterday, going to try to get a bunch of shooting done on Saturday. Going to change it up a bit though, and do 2, 10 round round groups of Aeromatch 105, 105 hyb, 109 LRHT, and 110 SMK with varget and N150 with each bullet. After this test I will continue to...
  7. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    That is a good point, I knew something felt off when making these. I just updated the graphs and switched the colors.
  8. barnesuser28

    Hornady is making knockoff/clone bullets (Aeromatch)

    First post with measurements between the two bullets is here:
  9. barnesuser28

    Berger 105 Hybrid Target VS Hornady 105 Aeromatch: PART 1 - Dimensional Consistency

    After being so wildly impressed with the 105 Berger Hybrids in my 6 Dasher last competition season, and disappointed in the Hornady options I had tried, I was excited to see the Aeromatch line announced recently. This gives us a great opportunity to see if Berger has something special in their...
  10. barnesuser28

    Hornady is making knockoff/clone bullets (Aeromatch)

    A review of the 105 aeromatch vs the 105 hybrid is coming soon. Dimensional consistency first and then a large (300 shot combined) accuracy test once my gunsmith gets this next dasher barrel spun up.
  11. barnesuser28

    Barrel fluting - what is it good for?

    It makes for good arguments on the internet...
  12. barnesuser28

    Chronograph Reccomendations

    Any reason why you dont like the magnetospeed?
  13. barnesuser28

    Chronograph Reccomendations

    We (Me and a couple other members of tested one about 2 months ago against a Magnetospeed V2 and Oehler 35P. We tested them, inline with each other, shooting 223 rem, 6BR, 6.5 SS (similar to 6.5 SAUM), 284 win, and 338 RUM. The Magnetospeed was always 5-15 fps faster than...
  14. barnesuser28

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    click on image for larger view
  15. barnesuser28

    Chronograph Reccomendations

    I will be testing one saturday against my magneto speed. I will let you know how it fares.
  16. barnesuser28

    Maggie’s Motivational Pic Thread v2.0 - - New Rules - See Post #1

    Gamestop Epic Lulz - YouTube
  17. barnesuser28

    Chronograph Reccomendations

    Magneto speed V2 is the way to go, i tested one a while back and have my own on its way, should be here Monday or tuesday.
  18. barnesuser28

    Annealing questions

    It takes me 2 minutes and 57 seconds to anneal 40 30/375 ruger cases on my benchsource. :)