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Search results

  1. spife7980

    Firearms Spifes clear out- magpul hunter

    Paypal or venmo- Shipping is plus actual charges, I havent shipped in a couple years so we will figure that out. I assume that its like 15 bucks to ship via ups? Austin-New Braunfels is free in person pick up. If someone wants a whole rifle they get priority, I’d ship it free. If people want...
  2. spife7980

    Optics Spifes clear out- midas btr+rings

    Paypal or venmo- Shipping is plus actual charges, I havent shipped in a couple years so we will figure that out. I assume that its like 15 bucks to ship via ups? Austin-New Braunfels for free in person pick up. Assume that there is a bit of scuffing on the turrets, I’ve tried to show it. I’ve...
  3. spife7980

    Gunsmithing Southbend Model A

    We got this old school lathe from a retired shop teacher who can’t get out to the shop like he felt he needed to so he passed it in to us for free and I’m not really sure what I would do with it other than little ranch puddly things that simply aren’t made anymore at a last resort. No idea how...
  4. spife7980

    Stevens 44

    Hey y’all, question on some old stuff, hopefully y’all can clear it up for me. This is my great grandfathers Stevens 22lr that was found in a barn and it’s in immaculate shape for having shot rats for 100 years. Was hoping to put a tang sight on it. Pondering the marbles vs finding and old...
  5. spife7980

    Anschutz 1710 Comp XLR a viable alternative?

    Im thinking about a 22... I want it to be the new whizbang gadget as Ive already got a pile of old 22s from the prior century but I also still want to be able to do some old school things with it. Im part of the oldest continuous shooting club in the nation and we are a 22lr paper schuetzen...
  6. spife7980

    Firearms Sold: Howa Bravo 22 Creed

    Land owner where I have always hunted down south sold so I now have an unfired Howa 1500 in 22 creed that I had just built with the intention of using for coyotes there, that now cant be used there. Howa 1500 w/ mdt 20moa base, gunbloke trigger spring plus the 6 creed sporter barrel that came...
  7. spife7980

    Precision Rifle Gear Bag weights edit: and sizes and how I use em

    Just sitting here in the rain and decided to make some data points on bags Ive collected over time Armageddon pintsized gamechanger heavy sand fill-6lb Armageddon game changer standard fill-5lb 15oz Wiebad mini fortune cookie sand fill-7lb 11oz Wiebed mini fortune cookie standard fill-...
  8. spife7980

    Reloading Equipment WTB 105/115 RDF —

    I want a bunch of nosler rdfs in the 6mm persuasion, 105 or 115s. I have 1300 Barnes match burners that I would trade for 1000 of the rdfs. @Traded to canezach Anyone looking to sell or trade their rdfs for some match burners?
  9. spife7980

    Reloading Equipment WTB: 22 creed LARGE primer brass

    Anyone got any of that LARGE primer 22 creed brass thats new? I dont want to convert and risk mismatching with the other creeds, Im looking for headstamped 22 creed.
  10. spife7980

    Gunsmithing Howage question

    I got in on the McGowen labor day sale and ordered up a howage in 22 creedmoor. I finally tried to go and install it and Im running into something that I have never encountered in my limited experience, and it may be just fine, but I want to ask the smiths first. I put the go gauge under the...
  11. spife7980

    Accessories SOLD: Used KRG Bravo Rem700 sa FDE

    Selling my fde bravo for a short action rem 700. It’s in what I’m consider good condition, the action area has some green residue from where my cerakoted action was pressed into it but it’s what I consider a hidden nothing burger. 300 shipped, paypal f&f only, iIl answer pms but if a public...
  12. spife7980

    Accessories SOLD: 50% off carbon proof cert $150

    SOLD to tbaxl Anyone in need of a carbon proof barrel? I have a 50% off cert I’d let go for 150. It’s list price so a Zermatt/Impact/Defiance/savage prefit is 940/2=470+150=620 An mrad prefit is 2100/2=1050+150=1200 I have an office scanner so can scan the cert into proof for you with your...
  13. spife7980

    Reloading Equipment WTB- 6.5 RDF Blems

    Anyone have a bunch of the 130 or 140 rdf blems they are sitting on and might want to get rid of?
  14. spife7980

    Reloading Equipment FOUND- 6.5 Creed Sizer and Micrometer Seater

    Found from tyler.I Anyone moving on and want to sell their forster or redding type s full length sizer dies? What about the micrometer seating dies?
  15. spife7980

    Reloading Equipment WTB: Nosler 6mm 105 RDF

    Looking for at least 500 blems if you have them. Ill send you 20 cents per
  16. spife7980

    Optics SOLD: Athlon Cronus BTR 4.5-29x56

    SOLD Going to send this Athlon Cronus BTR on down the road for 1,150 shipped. I bought it used but havent mounted it to use myself however it has a few love blemishes from the prior owner/s. Glass is good though and the adjustments seem solid so functionally its 100% from what I can tell. I...
  17. spife7980

    Reloading Equipment SOLD: 270 Bullets + Bonus

    SOLD 200- Hornady Interlock 130 gr 42- Nosler Ballistic Tip 140 gr 47- Berger Classic Hunter 140 gr A small flat rate box will be too thin unless you don’t care about the boxes and let me bag them so I guess a medium flat rate box is 15 bucks for the shipping. If I charge 15 per box of...
  18. spife7980

    Optics SOLD: SWFA SS 12x + rings + level + shade = 270 shipped

    It was mounted on my origin for a month but I never actually shot with it. The rings are “high” I believe. Selling it all for 270 shipped
  19. spife7980

    Rifle Scopes 34mm showdown

    34mm go Edit: The Athlon Ares ETR won the poll but I found a cronus btr for only 100 bucks more than the ares so I went that route. Sorry for any disappointment this may have caused.
  20. spife7980

    RPM/Powder burn rate driven bullet weight decision: 22 Creed- 26" 7 Twist- H4350- Alpha

    So I have a 22 creed and Im in a feedback loop on what I should shoot. I had initially wanted an 85 rdf but Im thinking about hornadys now too since there is just more data out there for hornady in the creed that I can find in the depot and elsewhere for comparison. I have a 26" 7 twist barrel...