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  1. D

    AMP code is consistent - new vs. old brass

    Alpha 6BR brass, AMP-generated codes- Virgin:155 / 8x loaded:154. I was curious. That is all.
  2. D

    Kudos for MDT Field Stock

    I ordered an MDT Field Stock for my son's CZ-455 during the Black Friday sale. I just got around to putting the rifle, originally a 27" Ultra-Luxe, in the new stock Monday. Then I did a quick range session with the rig. I am quite impressed with the stock - certainly an upgrade from the...
  3. D

    "Lightweight" Rim-X sporter??

    I have this [hopefully temporary] wild hair about rebuilding my 18-pound Rim-X into a sub-9-pound (with optic) sporter. Ideally, more like 8 pounds. Have any of you rimfire gurus done this? Given the action by itself weighs just over two pounds, it seems like a tall ask. Thoughts/ experiences...
  4. D

    Weirdness with Lot-Tested Center-X

    Summary: Had my 1st-gen Vudoo tested at Lapua's AZ test center early 2020. Bought 2 cases Center-X. I'm down to three (3) bricks of it. Over thousands of rounds, this ammo has averaged ~1080fps with an SD ~7-9, depending on temperature. Accuracy is a consistent 1.0 - 1.1 MOA @100, with plenty...
  5. D

    Autocorrect and the shooting community

    When writing text for a shooting-related audience on a device with autocorrect capability, make sure that "Loctite" doesn't get changed to "Lactate." That is all.
  6. D

    Shout out to TriggerTech

    In early 2021, I got an email from TriggerTech that my 2020-vintage Diamond was in a lot which had a very small percentage of units develop a "delayed discharge" condition, wherein the user could experience a tiny but noticeable delay between trigger break and "bang." This trigger (one of three...
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    Coleman's Creek Seniors-Only Match 07-May-2023

    I've read posts from a number of SH members, especially older ones, that they would love to shoot PRS-style matches but the physical requirements are an impediment or outright showstopper. Coleman's Creek Long Range Shooting Center near Ellerbe, NC is hosting its second seniors-only match on...
  8. D

    Barrel length, velocity, and vertical, oh [**]

    I posted this response in another thread, but the topic(s) seems relevant to a wider audience. Main takeaway for me is that my 50-year-old college statistics knowledge lead me to conclude that lower .22LR match round velocities introduce higher potential vertical dispersion (2nd bullet point)...
  9. D

    Shilen ratchet barrel - SLOW...?

    Does anyone have experience comparing velocity with a known lot of ammo in a Shilen ratchet barrel versus barrels from Bartlein, Vudoo/ACE, etc - especially Vudoo/ACE? I am breaking in a new RimX build and have found the 26" Shilen ratchet barrel to be 50fps slower with my Lapua-tested Center-X...
  10. D

    Runout in size die body - Does it matter? Probably not...

    Summary: New RCBS MatchMaster resizing die (caliber 6BR) has verified 0.002" runout between interior top and bottom of the die body, which creates a 0.0015-0.002" misalignment of case body and case neck. This results in a corresponding runout in the seated bullet. In practicality, does this...
  11. D

    .32 Rimfire: What Is This?

    I don't remember where I picked this up; came across it doing a cabinet cleanout today. Case mouth is in .32 caliber range, shown next to a .223 case. Looking carefully, you may see that there may be a crimp at the case mouth - was there a card wad to hold in... whatever? While the image of the...
  12. D

    Question re new vs old H4350 lot

    Just cracked a new jug of H4350 and loaded a few test rounds to compare against identical loads with the old jug - same everything except powder. The new powder lot is 30-40fps slower than the old (6.5CM, 41.2gr H4350, Starline SRP brass w/ CCI450, 140gr Berger Hybrids, 140gr Hornady ELD-M...
  13. D

    Federal 210M and 300 PRC?

    I've been considering a 300 PRC build for awhile but haven't bothered due to lack of any of the components. If I ever decide to proceed, it would be nice to use an existing stash of Federal 210M, recognizing these are non-magnum primers. They're sitting mostly unused since I transitioned my LRP...
  14. D

    CLR and barrel etching, finish damage - photos, links

    Summary: I found that CLR will etch a rimfire (CZ) barrel and totally remove bluing in 15 minutes' exposure (photos below) but doesn't seem to affect unfinished stainless steel barrels if used judiciously*. (* The opinion/observation on SS barrels is subject to change if more thorough testing...
  15. D

    .223 - SMK, ELD-M favorite loads with 8208, CFE223?

    Guys, could I ask you to post your most accurate .223 loads (especially to include COAL) with ONLY the following components: 69, 77 grain Sierra Match King 75 grain Hornady ELD-M IMR-8208 XBR CFE 223 CCI 400, -450 I'm struggling to find a consistent load for a fairly new build (Defiance...
  16. D

    New MDT XRS "hybrid chassis"

    Yes, I'm an MDT fan because the company has supported me well since I started this rifle addiction in 2017. So I read with interest @BigJimFish's review of the new XRS "hybrid chassis" dropped yesterday (07/12/2020) on the SH home page. I'm posting here because, if you're like me, you don't...
  17. D

    Accessories SOLD: MDT LSS-XL Gen-2 chassis, Stock, Bolt Handle for Tikka T3X SA

    Includes all items listed below, like-new condition (not blems). The photo shows my now-sold .223 T3X Varmint in the chassis with scope, bipod, etc. which are not included. I will provide any detail photos requested by interested readers. This is the chassis Defiance Machine is using for their...
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    Rifle Scopes I said I'd always use MOA. I switched to mils because...

    ... of practical reasons I don't recall seeing in the 8,432,789 threads on the subject. Not to say the rationale isn't there; it just took experience for me to see the light. I was an MOA holdout - 60 years of shooting and MOA worked. I'm now a convert to mils - and not because "everybody else"...
  19. D

    Range Report Duh. Loose brake --> zero moved

    No surprise, but a bit of quantification... :rolleyes: I shot 85 rounds of 6.5CM (Peterson SRP / Berger 140 Hybrid/ 41.2 H4350 / CCI 450 --> 2775fps) out to 1000 yards Wednesday. By day's end, my POI had changed 0.2 mils up, 0.1 mil right from where I started the day, verified on 100-yard...
  20. D

    Reliable but high-effort feeding - possible remedy?

    I have a Stiller TAC-30 action in MPA BA Comp chassis, Bartlein barrel in 6.5CM. Feeding with metal Accurate Mag and MDT and polymer Magpul mags is stone-cold reliable but I feel like I have to almost stand up and stomp the bolt handle to feed rounds from a full (10-round) magazine. I have...