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Search results

  1. Megahoser

    Movie Theater “The Line” Documentry on Eddie Gallagher Trial

    Anyone else watched this? It is a fairly well made four-part documentary on AppleTV about Eddie Gallagher, the SEAL who was accused of warcrimes. Of course It has a bit of a slant…but it is a fascinating watch, regardless. It has tons of deployment footage, trial recordings, and interviews from...
  2. Megahoser

    The Taliban Captured...Our dog.

    Story link on Yahoo! News I'd go nut's if Hadji had my dog... According to a Taliban spokesman the dog's fate is TBD.
  3. Megahoser

    New Abduction Film

    Dark Skies I'm an uber-dork for SciFi alien abduction crap...but usually the films fall short of my expectations...ala' <span style="font-style: italic">The Fourth Kind</span>. <span style="font-style: italic">Forgotten</span> wasn't too bad, but the last really good one in my opinion was...
  4. Megahoser

    Night Vision NV Mounting Options - EFR or MIRS?

    I have been considering two methods for NV mounting on my bolt-actions. -McCann MIRS -Badger EFR I have have a couple of questions for others who have experience with either... I'll start with the EFR...All my stocks are HS Precision, and the EFR inletting will leave very little side wall...
  5. Megahoser

    Gunsmithing Custom Thread Protectors in 5/8-24??

    Hello! I have several rifles that are threaded in 5/8-24, and I am looking for a nice alternative to the crappy YHM protectors that I currently have. I use them frequently when I go hunting and I don't want to use a brake, and suppressors are not allowed. I'd like to get something that matches...
  6. Megahoser

    Best .30cal AR-15 upper?

    Alright, I'm considering a .30cal AR-15 upper...but with so many choices I wanted to get some feedback/pros & cons from people shooting them currently. I'd like to get a round with readily available quality dies, and for simplicity uses 5.56/.223 brass. I want something in the 16" barrel...
  7. Megahoser

    Anyone shooting WT 7.62x40?

    I have been toying with the idea of getting an upper in 7.62x40...but there have been very few posts on the site regarding it. Anyone shooting it? I'd love to get better use out of all the 5.56 brass I've got lying around...so, 300 fireball & blackout are both options too. Any feedback on...
  8. Megahoser

    Member Link Up Just moved to Castle Rock, CO...

    Well, the weather here is nice...sure beats the hell out of all the humidity back in DFW. But, I have a big issue, there appears to be nowhere to shoot...Neither pistol or rifle. There <span style="font-style: italic">is</span> a national forest nearby...but, having never shot on public land I...
  9. Megahoser

    Gunsmithing Correct Length of Pull?

    Looking for some advice on correct length of pull. I am 6'3" and although my HS Precision stock on my 700 feels okay...I still get the feeling I need to add a bit more length to the butt. I am planning to do this by adding a few spacers. My question is, what is the proper way to measure...
  10. Megahoser

    Range Report Factory Ammo Muzzle Velocities?

    Is there a standard barrel length that is used when factories do their ballistics tests? My assumption would be the posted velocities are based on a 22" barrel, but I wanted to see if someone could confirm. Thanks.