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Search results

  1. DIBBS

    Washington State Patrol Trooper Arrested

    This will not turn out well, for the trooper IMHO. We will see. https://www.applevalleynewsnow.com/news/off-duty-washington-state-trooper-arrested-after-fatal-suspected-drunk-driving-crash-near-horn-rapids/article_fe7ed484-f7c7-11ef-a95d-6771cacd08cf.html
  2. DIBBS

    Protecting Pedophiles instead of protecting our children in WA State. Fucking Insane Democrats

    Protecting pedophiles over our children and grandchildren. Yes the Democrats are trying to do this bullshit in Washington State. If anything should happen to my grandchildren... https://youtu.be/Y6Qihb3EcvU?feature=shared I have had enough!!! Attempting to disarm us at the same time...
  3. DIBBS

    How about we pay back these fucking scammers?

    Just an idea for the group. What say you? Why don't we all report to paypal that accounts/individuals are selling firearms related items. Would this get their accounts and funds frozen? Might cut down on the problems if the accounts are getting frozen, regardless of where they are...
  4. DIBBS

    Scammers gonna be scamming

    They're upping their game, or maybe they already have been doing this. I posted PM sent on a FS item, and was contacted almost immediately by sumilily with a shitty cut and paste of the OP photos/image. It was reported immediately. I hate fucking scammers and crooks.... well and Dems and...
  5. DIBBS

    Colorado Buffaloes

    Glad to see Shedeur Saunders on his ass occasionally, and Deion and team getting their asses kicked. Great job BYU. Yeah it's just a game, doesn't mean anything, but maybe (doubtful) the family egos will get dropped a notch or three.
  6. DIBBS

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all you deplorables. Keep up the good work, and best wishes in the New Year.
  7. DIBBS

    25-06 powder and bullet recommendations

    Looking for recommendations on powders and bullets for a 24" barrel 25-06 that will hopefully decapitate coyotes. I would prefer good load density and velocity, and not a lot of speed variation from ~55 to 10 degrees or so. I have a few Reloder powders available 17.19.22,25,26 both 4831's...
  8. DIBBS

    Scorched Earth

    Why shouldn't Trump go scorched earth on all the swamp dwellers, that have been after him and undermining him for the last 8 years? I believe that all legal means available should be used to investigate and prosecute law breakers. Don't give two fucks, they didn't. Vindictive, hell yeah...
  9. DIBBS

    Medicare Insurance Questions

    For those who are old and partially deaf like me, any tips or thoughts on what to get, what to look out for/pitfalls when getting insurance with Medicare? I have parts A&B, but am no longer covered on my wife's policy so need to pick something up. I'll be meeting a representative later...
  10. DIBBS

    WTB Giraud Case Holder for 270 Win

    Looking for a Giraud trimmer case holder for a .270 Win (or maybe 25-06 or 30-06) I'm necking down .270 cases and going to use them in a 25-06. I may also be doing the same with some 30-06 Lapua cases. PM me if you have one collecting dust. Thanks
  11. DIBBS

    It wasn't the first or second shot, but it was the last

    My son had an interesting adventure over the weekend mule deer hunting. He broke the trigger guard and trigger while shooting at a mule deer (recoil slammed trigger guard into a rock he was laying over). What was fortunate for him , is that the gun still functioned after the damage shown...
  12. DIBBS

    Converting G1 to G7 BC

    Is this formula that was posted in a thread 12 years ago still valid? g1 x .512=g7 I have some old red/green box .257 Nosler ballistic tips that I could not find a published G7 BC for, in 85 and 100 grain weights. In addition I have some 100 grain BT's with a cannelure that I would imagine...
  13. DIBBS

    EA-18G Growler From Whidbey NAS Crashes East of Mt. Ranier

    Plane crashed two days ago on a training mission. Plane wreckage was located yesterday in a remote area, but as of this time the pilots are still missing. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/navy-crash-growler-rainier/
  14. DIBBS

    300 WM Brass with circle on brass below shoulder- cause?

    While inspecting and sizing 2x fired Black Hills Match 300 WM Brass tonight, I discovered one case in the lot of brass to be sized, that had what appears to be a perfect circle just below the shoulder. It was shot in a Bighorn SR3, unknown weather conditions since I didn't see it till now...
  15. DIBBS

    How much did Xiden get paid off to get out of the race?

    Has to be in the 10s of millions doesn't it.... even though he probably doesn't know what day it is. Ice cream.... you you you know... the thing. 🙄 Maybe the kickbacks from Ukraine have been enough....
  16. DIBBS

    Beretta 680 value

    I'm looking at a Beretta 680 Trap O/U that has 30" fitted X-trap barrels, and a total of 6 extended Beretta and two extended Briley choke tubes. Appears to be in very good condition, but I am finding very little online in regards to sales/value as it is an older model. A ballpark...
  17. DIBBS

    Trapshooting shotgun recommendations please

    I couldn't really find a forum/thread strictly for trapshooting, so I decided to post in the competition section here. I shot trapshooting competitions from the mid 80's through the mid 90's. Then family and other things got in the way and I lost interest and sold my shotguns. I started...
  18. DIBBS

    N 133 with 75-80 grain bullets in 223 and 223 Ackley

    Anyone using it with heavies? I looked at 223 load data on the Vihtuvuori website. I found a couple pounds.. maybe 10-15 yrs old on the "back" of THE SHELF. Perhaps I need to inventory the treasures I have accumulated in 50 + yrs of reloading...and evidently shoot more.
  19. DIBBS

    What is the weather like in your AO today?

    I'm guessing Montana/Colorado is probably the coldest in the CONUS, maybe the midwest?. In Eastern WA it was -5 when I got up, with a 25-35 mph wind. This is the first real cold weather we've had... but appears that it is going to only last for a few days. Maybe I'll find a hungry coyote...
  20. DIBBS

    6mm Remington Questions

    I have offered to reload some ammo for a friend and have no experience with this caliber. Older 700 Remington . For simplicity, rather than load a deer and coyote load separately, will probably just load 95 grain ballistic tips or 100 grain boatails. Any powder or primer recommendations?