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  1. Enough Said

    Training Courses *2025 Sept 26-28 Sniper's Hide 3-Day Frank / Marc FFP Range, Jefferson, OH

    FFP Range, near Jefferson, OH. Friday - Sunday , Sept 26-28. Our only destination in the northeast this year. This range is a hidden gem. Had a great time here the last four years. Make the drive this fall for instruction and shooting memories you will never forget. Complete Course in the...
  2. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide 3-Day Ft. Morgan Frank / Marc July 29-31, 2025

    Three-Day Precision Rifle Course - $1,200. Three full days of instruction. There will be WIND. There will be steel out to 1 MILE in various directions. Full PRS props. This is our famous Hammer Forged Fundamentals 2-Day Course plus and extra day of long range, positional shooting, and drills...
  3. Enough Said

    Sniper's Hide Three-Day Frank/Marc Sure-Shot Range, IOWA June 6-8, 2025

    Three full days of marksmanship training excellence at Sure-Shot Range near Mt. Auburn / Vinton, IA. Midwest shooters, this is your best opportunity in 2025. Master the fundamentals and get first-hand training and understanding of Gravity Ballistics from the creators. Challenging wind is...
  4. Enough Said

    2025 Alaska Precision Rifle Course - July 12-13 *FULL*

    OUR WORLD FAMOUS 2-DAY PRECISION RIFLE COURSE. - Hands-on instruction and scrutiny in the fundamentals of marksmanship and long-range precision rifle practices. This is a from-the-ground-up course which covers beginner, intermediate and advanced aspects of long-range precision rifle...
  5. Enough Said

    2025 SnipersHide 3-Day, Imperial, NE July 25-27

    The Frank and Marc Show returning to JM Precision, Waunita/Imperial, NE in 2025. Awesome wind / terrain package here, and wonderful local accommodations. Beautiful Classroom and Range. Covered Line. Challenging winds. Gravity Ballistics will be utilized to gather your data. You won't believe...
  6. Enough Said

    Training Courses *NEW* Sniper's Hide FFP Range OHIO Oct 7-8 Two-Day Essential Fundamentals and Gravity Ballistics

    This range is a hidden gem. Had a great time here the last three years. Make the drive this fall for instruction and shooting memories you will never forget. The 3-Day is OVERflowing, so... we are adding a course! Frank and Marc Complete 2- DayCourse in Fundamentals and Gravity Ballistics. You...
  7. Enough Said

    Suppressors NFA Dealers be aware - There may be "ghost" items still in your E-account!

    There could very well be NFA items lingering in your account that you transferred years ago. There were some temp hires in 2017 and 2018 who made mistakes. What happened? NFA is run by hourly employees who press buttons. In these cases, the employee failed to press the button, upon approval...
  8. Enough Said

    Range Report Gravity Ballistics "Taylor'd" to YOUR Home Range

    I want to work with you to design a Gravity Ballistics Worksheet that is built to suit your home range. I understand that not all home ranges are perfectly laid out with targets at even yard lines every 100 yards. Therefore, I will design you a sheet that will make it simple. You print and...
  9. Enough Said

    Suppressors Phantom Form 4 GLITCH from Nov and Feb

    You may be approved and you don't even know it.. I am dealing with a customer who submitted on June 1 and approved on November 15...BUT neither he nor I got an email noting Submission Status change. And we are having a hell of a time getting NFA to surrender his Approved Form 4. Found the...
  10. Enough Said

    Why Gravity Ballistics?

    Continue reading...
  11. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide Lowlight and Enough Said, 3-Day Precision Rifle Course. FFP RANGE, OH Oct 4-6, 2024

    FFP Range, near Jefferson, OH. Friday - Sunday , Oct 4-6. Our only destination on the east coast this year. This range is a hidden gem. Had a great time here the last three years. Make the drive this fall for instruction and shooting memories you will never forget. Complete Course in...
  12. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide 3-Day Precision Rifle to 1 Mile August 2-4 2024 with Lowlight and Enough Said

    Three-Day Precision Rifle Course - $1,200. Three full days of instruction. There will be WIND. There will be steel out to 1 MILE in various directions. Full PRS props. This is our famous Hammer Forged Fundamentals 2-Day Course plus and extra day of long range, positional shooting, and drills...
  13. Enough Said


    Answers are only answers because of questions. Solutions are only solutions because of problems. As precision long range rifle instructors, our problem was a full line of students each with his or her own rifle, caliber, and numerous parameters and cartridges all flying at different...
  14. Enough Said

    Advanced Marksmanship My "Weaponized Math" now called "GRAVITY BALLISTICS". NEW Worksheet Attached.

    SIMPLE * Could not be more effective or efficient Move from 200 yards to 1000 yards with less than a box of ammo. * Needs NO INPUTS - Just your DATA at 200 yards to get started. Mil or MOA. * Doesn't care what your M/V is... * Doesn't care what your bullet weighs or what your BC is... *...
  15. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide 3-Day Precision, Mifflin Co. Sportsmen's Assn., PA - Sept. 26-28, 2023

    This is one of our most popular destinations and our best opportunity for East Coast Shooters. Three full days of Long Range Precision with uphill and wind challenges. Great steel and target board package thanks to our local host, Matt D. Covered line. Lodging in awesome State College, PA...
  16. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide 3-Day Precision Course w/ Mover, FFP Range, OH - Sept 30-Oct 2, 2023

    FFP Range, near Jefferson, OH Sat - Mon, Sept 30 - Oct 2. This range is a hidden gem. Had a great time here last two years and have turned this into a 3-Day because this range deserves it. We will incorporate a mover on Day 3 to make things incredibly interesting and challenging. Wind will be...
  17. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide 3-Day Training Cours in W. TEXAS! May 20-22, 2023 near Rotan, TX.

    One of our two-time students invited Frank and I down to the canyon country of western Texas. He is student-hosting us at Hawk's Double Mountain Ranch near Raton, TX for a three-day course with ELR on Day 3. I asked him to write up a description, since it's one of his local ranges. Here's...
  18. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide 3-Day PRC, G.R.R.C, Harris, MN, Aug. 18-20, 2023

    BACK to central Minnesota!!! August 18-20, 2023 Three-Day Precision Rifle Course - The Complete Package. Our Two-Day famous Hammer-Forged Fundamentals plus an extra day of props and drills. We even firm up your data with the electronic Shot Marker System. Beautiful 1,000-yard range near...
  19. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide Training 3-Day to 1 Mile, August 4-6, 2023 Ft. Morgan, CO

    Three-Day Precision Rifle Course - $1,000. No Range Fees Three full days of instruction. There will be WIND. There will be steel to 1 MILE in various directions. Full PRS props. This is our famous Hammer Forged Fundamentals plus and extra day of long range, positional shooting, and drills. It's...
  20. Enough Said

    Training Courses Sniper's Hide Precision Rifle 3-Day, Imperial, NE July 28-30, 2023

    July 28 - 30 The Frank and Marc Show returning to JM Precision, Waunta/Imperial, NE. Awesome wind / terrain package here, and wonderful local accommodations. Beautiful Classroom and Range. Covered Line. Challenging winds. It's the best of the best and one of our favorite training locations...
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