Search results

  1. J

    22lr Bullet Lubrication and Accuracy

    Okay, finally, a no wind morning after 4 months of fronts, squalls and nor'easters. Lapua Long Range, with and without lube, at 100 yards. Those of y'all that think lubricant is important and those that don't, are going to have to explain to me what just happened. I am so confused. o_O CZ...
  2. J

    The effects of the transition from super to sub sonic on the 22lr

    I've run a few web searches on the topic but most point to a study done on a SMK boat tail hollow point published by the Aberdeen Ballistics Lab. Plenty of folks using that study to justify blaming the transition for poor accuracy with the 22lr. Problem...the 22lr is not a long, slender, tail...
  3. J

    Factory Lot Testing

    Ever wonder how 22lr was tested at the factory, to determine labeling? Say Lapua for instance...what metric decides if it's X-Act, Midas+ or CenterX? All three are manufactured using the same components on the same assembly line. It's going to be based on statistical sampling, can't shoot the...
  4. J

    The Grid

    I've spent the last three years shooting groups. 50 shots at a time, 100 and 200 yards and documenting the results. I noticed something that annoys me, groups don't satisfy Rule #1....Hit what you aim at. The group may be tight, but the center of the group wanders relative to the point of aim...
  5. J

    The First Thousand Shots

    What happens to the bore of a new barrel during the first thousand shots? I believe it takes 2 bricks of 22lr downrange through a new barrel, before you can confirm the capability of the barrel to produce predictable results. was pointed out, all I'm basing my opinion on is...
  6. J

    25 shots at 100 yards

    Yeah, I know, there's an ammo shortage. :rolleyes: How can I waste valuable 22lr on the same old same old. Because I won't have to fire a single shot, it's already been done. All I had to do is some target analysis. The targets and method were posted's been a cartridge reference...
  7. J

    The whole box at 100 yards

    Just a thought...what do y'all think would happen, if 5 shot groups went the way of the dodo, and if ya' were going to show off how well ye'r rifle can do at 100 yards, was accomplished by sending all 50 shots at a single aimpoint. I have a feeling it'd pretty much end claims of "sub-moa all day...
  8. J

    Which defect is worse?

    A discussion by a group of old coots, over morning coffee, regarding visible cartridge defects, and the question that came up was: Which defect caused the most trajectory dispersion? We agreed the minor scratches and dings on the nose had little effect, but anything that affected the drive bands...
  9. J

    Light strikes? Not!

    3 different cartridges, 2 Winchester and 1 Armscor failed to fire. Folks offer the opinion it's due to light strikes. Nope, even after multiple tries, still no bang. So I pulled them apart. No primer in the rim. Where is it? Not installed at the factory? No, it's still in the cartridges, just...
  10. J

    Rimfire quality and advertising images

    Have you ever taken a close look at the images used to sell 22lr ammunition? I just started doing this and the pictures have me giggling. These pics are supposed to be the best representation of the product in order to further sales. Take a close look the next time y'er thinking about...
  11. J

    200 yards with rimfire

    I've been sending 50 shots at a single aimpoint at 200 yards with rimfire for a while now. I'm not particularly skilled, or using a competition quality rifle off a high end rest. I shoot a home tweaked CZ 455 Varmint with a couple of Lilja barrels and a Sinclair F-Class bipod off a wood bench...
  12. J

    Supersonic Transition

    The subject of supersonic transition and how it affects rimfire trajectories has caught my interest. I've been trying to locate information regarding studies and articles with actual data, not anecdotal reports. All the articles I've found go back to a study done on a Sierra bthp, which is not...
  13. J

    Flash hole diameter

    I've recently taken up reloading 223, as it's an inexpensive cartridge with a large assortment of bullet weights and styles. Read everything I can find, ask questions of more experienced shooters, and one question seems to have very few answers: Is there an optimum diameter for flash hole size...
  14. J

    Just because it says match...

    ...doesn't mean it'll be all that accurate. Picked up a Lilja 22wmr bull barrel to see what I could learn. I learned there's no such thing as match grade 22wmr ammunition. Installed the barrel in my Varmint stock, free floated, and after a Friday afternoon trip to do the break-in per Lilja's...
  15. J

    Cz 455 FUGLIE

    Coming up on 3 months, and my Precision Trainer stock still hasn't shipped. That's ok, just means that there's been time for my overactive imagination to come up with a project to keep me occupied. The CZ 455 FUGLIE. (F)irearm (U)tilizing (G)lued (L)inear (I)ntegral (E)mbedding Or...
  16. J

    CZ 455 Rifle Basix Install

    Disclaimer: I am not a gunsmith! I am, however, easily entertained and possess a garage full of tools that normally are employed in keeping my outboards and wheeled vehicles operational. After swapping out my 455 Varmint stock trigger for the CZ SST and experiencing the difference for myself...
  17. J

    Installing a CZ 455 Set Trigger

    I got lucky and was able to obtain a new CZ 455 set trigger assembly. No, the CZ webstore doesn't have 'em in stock yet, like I said, I got lucky. Installation took all of 10 minutes, most of that was disassembling the rifle down to the receiver. Pulled the bolt, set the receiver on a leather...
  18. J

    Very Poplar CZ 455 Varmint

    Bet ya' thought I don't know how to spell popular, eh? Nope, it's the wood used to assemble a diagnostic tool. Couldn't figure out why my new 455 Varmint was so inconsistent off the bench. Receiver is pillared and bedded, but groups just weren't as tight as expected. In fact the first trips...
  19. J

    Heavy Metal

    I'm going to blame this one on Top Predator. He made a comment in his post of the conversion of an airgun stock to 22lr stock. <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">The installation wasn't hard at all, It was mostly time consuming -...