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  1. tokiwartooth

    Picked up a brokendown ArTEL. Restoring it.....

    Just took it apart. Have to reanodize it. Reticle wasn't saveable, but I found an great substitute. Redfield Type 2 NOS is the sacrificial lamb fort this. New glass; New seals; New turret knobs;
  2. tokiwartooth

    Toki here… starting anodizing line up again mid March. Msg me for details.

    Hello all, I know it’s been a while. Many life changes over the last 5 years. I’ve relocated to Chattanooga, and I’m resuming scope services mid March. Msg me for mailing address. Joe
  3. tokiwartooth

    Help with a Kollmorgen Bear Cub 4x

    Anyone out there with one of these scopes? The one with the cross hair imprinted on the eye piece. I have a friend who sent me one to fix, he bought it but it's completely missing the cross hair to the point where I don't have a clue where it goes. If someone has some pics with the eyepiece...
  4. tokiwartooth

    Converting a commercial crosshair Redfield to an M40 accurange Redfield

    Have an interesting project I agreed to do for a forum member. I'm anodizing one of his Redfield gen 1 accurange scopes, and the other commercial gen 1 standard crosswire scope is getting "converted" to an accurange. This means building up the stadia wires on a standard crosswire reticle and...
  5. tokiwartooth

    So... What's the best way of acquiring/building an Vietnam era M40 clone?

    I'm interested in doing my own build. I currently build/barrel my own M14 types, Garands. What's the best way? Buy a standard Rem 700 and start from there? Go for a barreled receiver? Look for one of those Remington M40 commemoratives? have some trade options.. 1903a3, maybe an M1A...
  6. tokiwartooth

    My M40 Redfield accu range clones.

    Hey guys, Haven't posted too much here, but I'm generally on m14tfl. Anyway, I've been experimenting for the last 3 months on duplication of the M40 Redfield accurange scope. I've become very knowledgable of the nomenclature of these Redfields, including the AR TEL version. Anyway, I...
  7. tokiwartooth

    Rifle Scopes Repairing an AR TEL Vietnam Era scope

    Does anyone know anyone or anyplace besides Ironsights that works on these scopes (basically Redfield 3x9s with a ballistic cam)? I've got one where the knurled nut that allows you to easily rotate the cam won't screw down. It doesn't screw out as it's held is with a c-clip or some other...