• RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope WINNER!

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Search results

  1. M

    Night Vision Newb looking to get into NV or thermal

    Hey guys, Like the title says, I am looking to get into NV or thermal. My goal is to kill some coyotes that are going after our deer. I would like to use one of my bolt actions. Most of the land is wooded, so most of the shots will be closer. Help me figure this out! Thanks!
  2. M

    Rifle Scopes March 1.5-15 sticking?

    I had my March on the shelf for a few months. Mounted it on a rifle tonight and was adjusting the magnification ring. There’s a bit of friction around 2.5X. Loosened the back ring completely, and the friction is still there. Anyone else have this?
  3. M

    SOLD Price Drop again Tuebor Legion SA mag bolt face $800

    Looking to sell my Tuebor Legion. SA with Mag bolt face. Had a 6.5PRC barrel on it for a bit. Less than 200 rounds on the action. Nothing wrong with it, just consolidating. Minor marks where the brass hits on ejection. More pics upon request. 800$ shipped to your FFL.
  4. M

    WTB Impact 787 RH Mag bolt

    Like the title says, I'm looking for a right hand 787 mag bolt. Would prefer as few rounds on it as possible.
  5. M

    WTB Swaro Z6i 2.5-15 or Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10

    Like the title says I’m looking for a Swaro Z6i 2.5-15 or Swarovski Z6i 1.7-10 potentially interested in other models. Let me know what you have.
  6. M

    Tuebor tenon

    Does anyone know tenon details for the Tuebor Legion? Trying to see if it’s possible to take a barrel from one and fit it to an Impact.
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    Optics Vortex G3 6-36 MIL $2375 with Hawkins mount Shipped

    Hey guys like the title says I have a Vortex G3 6-36 for sale in MIL. It will come in the original box with the wrenches and sun shade. I DO NOT HAVE THE SCOPE CAPS. There looks like there is a minor scuff that could rub out next to one of the rings. The scope is mounted in what look like...
  8. M

    SOLD Spuhr 4006 $300 shipped

    Spuhr SP-4006 34mm, 0MOA, 34mm height The bolts have small paint pen marks as witness marks. I don’t have the box, but I do have the leveling wedge. Asking 300$ obo shipped to lower 48. FF only or you pay fees.
  9. M

    SOLD Magnetospeed V3 $250

    Like the title says, V3 Magnetospeed in a soft case. Everything works as it should. 250$ obo shipped to the lower 48. PP FF or you pay fees.
  10. M

    SOLD Vortex G3 1-10 $2100

    Scope, Spuhr, throw lever, scope caps included. Price is $2100 shipped to lower 48. PP FF or you pay fees
  11. M

    SOLD Vortex G3 6-36 MIL $2500

    For sale. Vortex G3 6-36 in MIL. Has been used in matches, but no scratches. More pics upon request. Comes with scope caps and throw lever Available with or without Spuhr 4006 Scope and Spuhr - $2500 obo Scope only - $2300 obo Prices are shipped to the lower 48. PP FF or you pay fees.
  12. M

    6BR mag tuning

    Hey guys, new to the 6BR world and mag tuning. I’m running an Impact, TCS, prefit 6BR barrel, MDT 12rd BR mags, and factory Lapua ammo. New out of the box, the bullet tip is hitting the barrel just below the bore. I try and tweak it and get a variety of feeding, bullet tip too high, bullet tip...
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    How much does shooting a target on the same horizontal plane matter?

    The way I have my shooting setup now I’m maybe 8-10’ above my target at 100 yards. How much does that matter?
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    WTB Factory Lapua 6BR loaded ammo

    Like the title says, I'm looking for some Factory Lapua 6BR loaded ammo. Let me know what ya got.
  15. M

    WTB Manners LRH SA mini chassis

    Like the title says. Looking for a SA LRH with mini chassis. Let me know what you have.
  16. M

    WTB Accurate LA 308 three round mag.

    I'm looking to buy a 308 LA 3 rd mag 3.715", like the Accurate SKU: 00100-0104. Let me know if you have one for sale.
  17. M

    SOLD ZCO 527 MPCT2 w/ Spuhr 6001

    I have lightly used ZCO 527 MPCT2 reticle with a Spuhr 6001 for sale. Has a Mandalorian sticker on the bell of the scope, and a smaller Mado sticker and some grip tape on the sun shade. 3400$ shipped.
  18. M

    Where to find Stiller TAC 300 action wrench

    Anyone know where I can find an action wrench for a Stiller TAC 300? Thanks for the input.
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    Sidearms & Scatterguns New shotgun SBE3

    The wife and I are thinking about getting new shotguns, probably SBE3’s. Pretty much all sporting clays and trap. I was thinking the SBE3 to try and eat as much recoil as it can and not beat her up. Is there anything else I should look at?
  20. M

    Spotters Which New Spotter

    I currently have a Bushy T series, and a set of Vortex Razor UHD 12x binos. I usually use the binos for spotting for PRS. I am looking for a new, better spotter. Mostly for animal watching and some specific matches. My wife likes the Bushy since she can zoom in on animals and see them up close...