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  1. Bender

    The originator of the term Glownigger

    Terry A Davis, mental illness aside, he invented his own operating system, kernel, everything. He lost to his illness in the end, but was brilliant in his own way. He is laughing from beyond the grave now lol.
  2. Bender

    I wanna up my long range game.

    Hear me out…..
  3. Bender

    Elon in meltdown mode. H1B visa more important than Americans.

  4. Bender

    The annual TheGermans by proxy “What stupid Christmas Gift You Get” thread?

    As it’s the time again, what cool or stupid things did you get for Christmas this year?? I got Leupold 10x HD binos and a BOG gun Tripod. Go!
  5. Bender

    I may be late to the party, but 3D printed suppressor??

    ThunderBeast better step up lol!
  6. Bender

    What do you want out of the next four years?

    I was chatting in the super top secret area of the forum, an a topic popped up in my mind. Considering how the past years have gone politically and spiritually. I have decided on one thing I seek out of the next four years. Accountability. If I only have one wish, it’s that. We can all create a...
  7. Bender

    tHe bAnKeRs aRe NoT tHe iSsUe. (The Juice)

  8. Bender

    Matt Gaetz attorney general

    Discuss. This may be epic. I will be Uber pissed if Trump makes this just another dog and pony show
  9. Bender

    We were just ahead of the curve. Squirrel mafia has actual relevance.

    Government Seizes and Euthanizes Beloved Rescue Squirrel of Renowned Animal Advocate This is the boogaloo rally point of the pushback against government overreach. https://apnews.com/article/peanut-pet-squirrel-seized-euthanized-45a4cba19e1c49cb0cd58fef0f140f0d
  10. Bender

    FOR SALE!!! 22 lbs box of pagers 🚨🚨🚨

    Technology is cyclical, these are now in high demand. I will pass on savings to you, only $200 a pager or $35k for the lot. I will also trade these for a KMW Sentinel, or an LRI or “settle” for a TacOps. I know what I got. No low balls, (that means you @Threadcutter308, and no jewin down...
  11. Bender

    Normalize slapping reporters again.

  12. Bender

    AI for mayor. In Wyoming?

    This is what happens when I don’t patrol the border with Co. I want off this flying space rock. *facepalm https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/08/19/artificial-intelligence-mayor-cheyenne-vic/
  13. Bender

    Kei Trucks. Japanese utility trucks.

    Do you any of you have one? I’m looking to get one for my property. We can license them as a UTV and used them on the road in Wyoming.
  14. Bender

    Shooter was Yernick not Crooks. Why they scrub both social media?

    Yernick left Crooks right.
  15. Bender

    Hey ATF

  16. Bender

    Red Flag Laws. Should the smart people be in charge??

    Should education requirements and community culture dictate who gets to dictate the use of red flag laws? Some of the Fudds out there can’t find their ass with both hands.
  17. Bender

    Who here is in North Dakota?

    I have some questions for ND residents.
  18. Bender

    Night vision whores. Explain this.

    This sounds like complete Bull.